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Reserachers working on MINING (alphabetical order)
Doris BACALZO Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Lucerne, SwitzerlandAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Morobe (Papua New Guinea), Eastern Highlands (Papua New Guinea)Places: Papua New GuineaKeywords: Children , Customary Law , Gender , Indigenous Politics , Kinship , Migration , Mining , Political Ecology , Political Economy , Engaged Anthropology
Bettina BEER Professor, Ethnologisches Seminar at University of Lucerne, SwitzerlandAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Mining , Kinship , Land Dispute , Gender , Senses , Social Change , History
John BURTON Research Fellow, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining at University of Queensland, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Australia , Solomon Islands , New Caledonia Places: Australia (area), MelanesiaKeywords: Development , Social Change , Social Impact Analysis , Social Mapping , Poverty , Mining , Identity , Social Organization , Population and Development
Mathias CHAUCHAT Professor, LARJE (Research Centre on Economics and Law) at Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie, New CaledoniaKeywords: Colonial Politic , Colonialism , Corruption , Development Studies , French Overseas Territories , Mining , Pacific Studies , Politics , Political Process , Political Economy
Tony CROOK Senior Lecturer, Centre for Pacific Studies at University of St Andrews, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Western Province (Fly)Keywords: Knowledge , Secrecy , Ritual , Kinship , Gender , Horticulture , Mining , Climate Change , Pacific Regional Politics , Development
Colin FILER Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Conservation , Custom , Development , Environment , Forestry , Governance , Indigenous Knowledge , Land Tenure , Mining , Political Ecology
Denise FISHER Research Fellow, Cente for European Studies at Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , French Polynesia , Wallis and Futuna Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: French Overseas Territories , Identity , Governance , Indigenous Politics , International Relationships , Mining , Political Process , Public Policies , Regional Integration , Self-Determination
Alex GOLUB Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Hawai'i-Manoa, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Mining , Kinship , Political Anthropology
Jordan HAUG PhD Student, Anthropology Department at University of California San Diego, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Milne Bay (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Louisiade archipelago, Misima IslandKeywords: Mining and its Discontents , Mining , Morality , Christianity , Political Anthropology , Myth , Leadership , Inequality , Egalitarianism , Epistemology
Andreas HOLTZ Independent researcherAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Fiji , Australia , Solomon Islands , Samoa , Nauru Places: Australia (area), Melanesia, Micronesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Cultural Studies , Governance , Indigenous Politics , International Relationships , Mining , Pacific Regional Politics , Political Economy , Regional Integration , Security , Sub-regionalism
Dan JORGENSEN Professor emeritus, Department of Anthropology at University of Western Ontario, CanadaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Cosmology , Natural Resources , Political Ecology , Social Organization , Ritual , Christianity , Myth , Regional History , Mining , Mobile Telephony
Simon KENEMA Postdoctoral Fellow, ADRAS Research Project on Small Scale Mining In Bougainville at Griffith University/ANU, AustraliaKeywords: Anthropological Fieldwork , Anthropology of Knoweldge , Anthropology of Ontology , Dispute Resolution , Indigenous Epistemology , Indigenous Politics , Land Tenure , Mining , Social Change
Matthias KOWASCH Professor, Laboratoire Médiations at Sorbonne University, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , Vanuatu Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Conflict , Development , Education , Governance , Indigenous Political Movements , Identity , Land Tenure , Mining , Post-Colonialism , Political Ecology
Pierre-Yves LE MEUR Senior Research Fellow, SENS (Savoirs Environnement Sociétés) at IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , French Polynesia , Wallis and Futuna Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Political Anthropology , Mining , Conflict , Environment , Applied Anthropology , Natural Resources , Place-making , Sovereignty
Claire LEVACHER PhD Student, Sociology and Anthropology at EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Development , Governance , Indigenous Politics , Land Management , Mining , Public Policies , Social Change , Social Movement
Nathan MCALLISTER PhD Student, Social Anthropology at University of St Andrews, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Kula , Kastom , Education , Christianity , Climate Change , Cutural Change , Law and Culture , Mining , Mortuary Rites , Care
Amy K. MCLENNAN Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography at University of Oxford, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Australia , Nauru Places: Australia (area), MicronesiaKeywords: Anthropological Field Records , Biomedicine , Social-ecological System , Political Ecology , Narratives , Mining , Interdisciplinarity , Globalization , Health , Food and Nutrition
Julia RATZMANN Other staff, Pacific Information Desk at Centre for Mission, Partnership and Development, GermanyAdministrative areas: Fiji , Papua New Guinea , Indonesia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Post-Colonialism , Christianisation , Conflict , French Overseas Territories , Land Dispute , Logging , Mining , Museums , Nuclear Issues , Tourism
Hans REITHOFER Lecturer, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Goettingen, GermanyAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Christianisation , Development , Engaged Anthropology , Political Ecology , Sorcery , Social Change , Ritual , Religion , Mining , Big-manship
Catherine RIS Associate Professor, LARJE (Research Centre on Economics and Law) at University of New Caledonia, New CaledoniaAdministrative areas: Australia , Cook Islands , New Caledonia , New Zealand Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Development Studies , Education Policy , Employment , Ethnicity , French Overseas Territories , Population and Development , Public Policies , Social Justice Policy , Youth , Mining
Tobias SCHWOERER Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Lucerne, SwitzerlandAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Eastern Highlands (Papua New Guinea), Morobe (Papua New Guinea)Places: Papua New GuineaKeywords: Conflict , Colonial Discourse , Social Change , State , Sorcery , Regional History , Mining , Land Dispute , Forestry , First Contacts
Roland SEIB Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, MicronesiaKeywords: Mining , Development , Democracy , Elections , Clientelism , Public Sector Reform , Devolution
Emilka SKRZYPEK Senior Research Fellow, Department of Social Anthropology at University of St Andrews, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: Papua New GuineaKeywords: Mining , Stakeholder Engagement , Knowledge , Development Ideology , Corporate Social Responsibility , Sustainable Development , Resource Extraction , Just Transition
Laura ZIMMER-TAMAKOSHI Independent researcher, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Age and Aging , Anthropological Fieldwork , Big-manship , Gambling , Gender Violence , Inequality , Mining , Nationalism , Social Impact Analysis , Politics Of Culture
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.