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Reserachers working on HEALTH (alphabetical order)
Barbara Anne ANDERSEN Lecturer, School of People, Environment and Planning at Massey University, Albany, New ZealandAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Chimbu (Papua New Guinea), Eastern Highlands (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Eastern Highlands, Chimbu, Papua New GuineaKeywords: Development , Education , Health , Social Change , Youth , Class , Biomedicine , Health Workers , Housing , Security
Apo APOROSA Research Fellow, Anthropology Department/School of Psychology at The University of Waikato, New ZealandAdministrative areas: Fiji , Samoa , Tonga , Vanuatu , New Zealand Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Development Studies , Education , Kava/Yaqona , Cognition , Health , Applied Anthropology , Community Development , Cultural Studies , Customary Law , Decolonisation
Rochelle BAILEY Research Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific at Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: New Zealand , Vanuatu , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Kiribati , Australia , Fiji , Tonga Places: Melanesia, Micronesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Agency , Anthropological Fieldwork , Anthropology Of Policy , Migration , Health , Kinship , Labour Mobility
Dani BARRINGTON Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering at University of Leeds, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Fiji , Vanuatu , Solomon Islands , Papua New Guinea Places: Australia (area), MelanesiaKeywords: Water Resources , Sanitation , Development Studies , Participation , Health , Hygiene , Menstruation , Toilets , Water
Gaia COTTINO Research Fellow, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche at Università degli Studi di Genova, ItalyAdministrative areas: Tonga , Hawaii Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Body , Health , Food and Nutrition , Non Communicable Diseases , Global Health , Agriculture , Gardens
Francoise DUSSART Professor, Department of Anthropology and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at University of Connecticut, United StatesAdministrative areas: Australia Places: Australia (area)Keywords: Art , Ceremonial discourse , Gender , Health , Chronic Illness , Christianity , Citizenship , Religion and the Media , Land Tenure
Daniela HEIL Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology at University of Newcastle, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Australia , New South Wales (Australia), Western Australia (Australia), Northern Territory (Australia)Places: Australia (area)Keywords: Body , Chronic Illness , Cultural Change , Health , Indigenous Epistemology , Ilness Experience , Indigenous Politics , Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations , Personhood , Medical Anthropology
Franziska A. HERBST Research Fellow, Department of Palliative Medicine at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, GermanyAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Medical Anthropology , Biomedicine , Medical Technology , Health , Ilness Experience , Relatedness , Personhood , Chronic Illness , Body , Agency
Verena KECK Lecturer, Institute of Anthropology, at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, GermanyAdministrative areas: Guam , Papua New Guinea Places: Melanesia, MicronesiaKeywords: Colonial Discourse , Health , Migration , Personhood , Religion , Social Change , Age and Aging , Identity
Fabienne LABBÉ Research Fellow, Section Infectious Diseases and Immunization at Quebec Institute of Public Health, CanadaAdministrative areas: Fiji , New Caledonia Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Health , Sexuality , Gender , Ilness Experience , Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) , Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) , Medical Anthropology , Applied Anthropology , Engaged Anthropology , Emotions
Amy K. MCLENNAN Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography at University of Oxford, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Australia , Nauru Places: Australia (area), MicronesiaKeywords: Anthropological Field Records , Biomedicine , Social-ecological System , Political Ecology , Narratives , Mining , Interdisciplinarity , Globalization , Health , Food and Nutrition
Jo MIDDLETON Senior Research Fellow, Sussex Sustainability Research Programme; Dept. Primary Care and Public Health, and NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Neglected Tropical Diseases at University of Sussex; Brighton and Sussex Medical School, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Solomon Islands Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Conservation , Biomedicine , Colonialism , Ecology , Ethnobotany , Global Health , Logging , Medical Anthropology , Medical Research , New Guinea
Marika MOISSEEFF Research Fellow, Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale at CNRS - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, FranceAdministrative areas: Australia Places: Australia (area), South AustraliaKeywords: Cosmology , Death and Bereavement , Emotions , Gender , Health , Identity , Indigenous Politics , Justice , Kinship , Landscape
Emilie NOLET Associate Professor, Department of Art and Archaeology (UFR 03) at University Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, FranceAdministrative areas: French Polynesia Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Material Culture , Colonial Process , Christianisation , Cultural Heritage , Ethnographic Encounter , French Polynesia , Health , Housing , Indigenous Agency , Medical Anthropology
Geir Henning PRESTERUDSTUEN Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Bergen, NorwayAdministrative areas: Fiji , Australia Places: Fiji IslandsKeywords: Economic Anthropology , Ethnicity , Gender , Gender Violence , Health , Monsters , Post-Colonialism , Christianity , Body , Violence
Alice SERVY Associate Professor, SAGE Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe at University of Strasbourg, FranceAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Solomon Islands , Kiribati , French Polynesia Places: Melanesia, Micronesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Health , Sexuality , Gender , Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) , Family Planning , Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) , Sex Workers , Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) , Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) , Sexual Assaults
Jessica Anne STOCKDALE Lecturer, Department of Primary Care and Public Health at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Land Tenure , Photography , Epistemology , Conservation , Health , Ethics , Politics
Frank WEIGELT Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Hamburg, GermanyAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Vanuatu , Indonesia , New Caledonia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Agency , Applied Anthropology , Class , Colonial Discourse , Cognitive Anthropology , Colonialism , Conflict , Conflict Management , Cultural Change , Cultural Heritage
Alexandra (Sandra) WIDMER Assistant Professor, Anthropolgy Dept at York University, CanadaAdministrative areas: Vanuatu Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Colonialism , Food and Nutrition , Gender , Health , Medical Anthropology , Metabolic Disorders , Modernity , Post-Colonialism , Nursing And Midwifery , Reproduction
Heather YOUNG-LESLIE Associate Professor, Office of the Vice-President, Research at University of Alberta, CanadaAdministrative areas: Tonga , Papua New Guinea , Hawaii , New Zealand , Fiji Places: Polynesia, MelanesiaKeywords: Biomedicine , Development , Gender , Health , Health Workers , Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) , Textiles / Fibre Arts , Body Theory , Mothering , Maternalisms
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.