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Reserachers working on KAVA/YAQONA (alphabetical order)
Apo APOROSA Research Fellow, Anthropology Department/School of Psychology at The University of Waikato, New ZealandAdministrative areas: Fiji , Samoa , Tonga , Vanuatu , New Zealand Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Development Studies , Education , Kava/Yaqona , Cognition , Health , Applied Anthropology , Community Development , Cultural Studies , Customary Law , Decolonisation
Grant MCCALL Other staff, Department of Anthropology at University of Sydney, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile) , Fiji , French Polynesia Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Age and Aging , Coconut , Bureaucratization , Colonial Imagination , Cultural Heritage , First Contacts , Identity , Intellectual Property Rights , Inter-ethnic Relations , Kinship
Rachel SMITH Lecturer, Anthropology at University of Aberdeen, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Shefa (Vanuatu), Penama (Vanuatu), Fiji , New Zealand , Australia Places: Melanesia, Vanuatu, Port Vila, Epi, Pentecost, Shepherd Islands, Tongoa, Espiritu Santo, Fiji IslandsKeywords: Economic Anthropology , Work , Life-cycle Exchanges , Kinship , Land Tenure , Labour Mobility , Christianity , Ritual And Religion , Local Economies , Kava/Yaqona
Christina TOREN Professor emeritus, Anthropology at University of St Andrews, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Fiji Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Anthropological Fieldwork , Gender , Indigenous Epistemology , Kava/Yaqona , Kinship And Marriage , Personhood , Psychological Anthropology , Ritual , Ontogeny , Exchange Processes
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.