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[expand] Photography [expand] Agriculture [expand] Anthropological Field Records [expand] Anthropology of Knoweldge [expand] Anti-colonial [expand] Austronesian Prehistory [expand] Body Theory [expand] Citizenship [expand] Cognitive Anthropology [expand] Cultural Geography [expand] Ethnographic Encounter [expand] Exhibitions [expand] Gardens [expand] Land Dispute [expand] Land Management [expand] Literature [expand] Music [expand] Place [expand] Power and Resistance [expand] Regional History [expand] Ritual Studies [expand] Sorcery [expand] Textiles / Fibre Arts [expand] Traditional Ecological Knowledge [expand] Bureaucratization [expand] Complexity [expand] Development Studies [expand] Digital Resources [expand] Ethics [expand] Fisheries [expand] Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) [expand] Perception [expand] Public Policies [expand] Sexuality [expand] State [expand] Biomedicine [expand] Colonial Literature [expand] Cultural Transformation [expand] Heritage Management [expand] Historical Consciousness [expand] Morality [expand] Names and Naming [expand] Tapa [expand] Techniques [expand] Violence [expand] [expand] Emotions [expand] Horticulture [expand] Inter-ethnic Relations [expand] Life-cycle Exchanges [expand] Linguistic Description [expand] Native Title [expand] Pacific Regional Politics [expand] Political Process [expand] Population and Development [expand] Regional Integration [expand] Self-Determination [expand] Settler Colonialism [expand] Small-scale Fisheries [expand] Sovereignty [expand] Urban [expand] Voyaging [expand] Age and Aging [expand] Children [expand] Class [expand] Climate Policy [expand] Coastal Erosion [expand] Conflict Management [expand] Farming Systems [expand] Feminism [expand] Indigeneity [expand] Inequality [expand] Intersubjectivity [expand] Language [expand] Materiality [expand] Nuclear Issues [expand] Race / Racism [expand] Social Movement [expand] Song / Dance [expand] Time [expand] Worldview [expand] Indigenous Christianities [expand] Labour Mobility [expand] Leadership [expand] Logging [expand] Marine Biodiversity [expand] Media And National Identity [expand] Mining and its Discontents [expand] Natural Hazards [expand] Natural Resource Exploitation [expand] Place-making [expand] Postcolonial Literatures [expand] Poverty [expand] Property [expand] Ritual And Religion [expand] Social Studies of Knowledge [expand] Sociality [expand] Spatial Theory [expand] Subsistence Economy [expand] Sustainable Development [expand] Symbolism [expand] Tattooing [expand] Verbal Art [expand] Austronesian Languages [expand] Community Development [expand] Cultural Renewal [expand] Cutural Change [expand] Egalitarianism [expand] Feeling of Belonging [expand] Global Health [expand] Justice [expand] Language Ideology [expand] Language Shift [expand] Local/Folk Classification [expand] Mortuary Rites [expand] Music and Languages [expand] Pacific Media [expand] Polynesian Languages [expand] Relatedness [expand] Society [expand] Statehood [expand] Technology [expand] Anthropology of Tourism [expand] Ceremonial discourse [expand] Colonial Politic [expand] Communication [expand] Critical History [expand] Eco-anthropology [expand] Gender Based Violence [expand] Indo-Pacific Prehistory [expand] Island Studies [expand] Kinship And Marriage [expand] Language Policy [expand] Local Ecological Knowledge [expand] Masculinities [expand] Navigation [expand] Plant Domestication [expand] Poetics [expand] Religion And The Environment [expand] Senses [expand] Spirituality [expand] Value [expand] Vulnerability [expand] Water Resources [expand] Work [expand] Anthropology Of Foodways [expand] Anthropology Of Sciences [expand] Architectural Anthropology [expand] Big-manship [expand] Commemoration [expand] Conceptual Model [expand] Contemporary Pacific [expand] Coral Reefs [expand] Corruption [expand] Cultural Artefacts [expand] Cultural Production [expand] Economy and Finance [expand] Ethnobiology [expand] Ethnopsychology [expand] Foreign Policy [expand] Francophone Literatures [expand] French Polynesia [expand] Gift-giving Practices And Theory [expand] Higher Education [expand] Human Ecology [expand] Human-environment Relations [expand] Indigenous Peoples Rights [expand] Infrastructure [expand] Interethnic Relations [expand] Language Revitalization [expand] Militarism [expand] Mobile Telephony [expand] Pacific Studies as Field of Study [expand] Political Culture [expand] Polynesian Chiefdoms [expand] Sand-Drawing [expand] Sub-regionalism [expand] Sustainable Livelihoods [expand] Women's Associations [expand] World Heritage [expand] Canoes [expand] Categorization [expand] Comparative Studies [expand] Contemporary Literatures [expand] Cultural Policy [expand] Development Media [expand] Diplomacy [expand] Dispossession [expand] Education Policy [expand] Ethnoecology [expand] Forestry [expand] Health Workers [expand] Ilness Experience [expand] Institution [expand] Kava [expand] Kava/Yaqona [expand] Legal Geography [expand] Library [expand] Migration And Im/Mobility [expand] Missiology [expand] Modernity [expand] New Guinea [expand] Oceania [expand] Organology [expand] Public Art [expand] Resilience And Indigenous Communities [expand] Rock Art [expand] Seascape [expand] Seascapes [expand] Security [expand] Semiotics [expand] Social Differentiation [expand] Social Impact Analysis [expand] Social Network Analysis [expand] Sport [expand] The Imagination [expand] Transnationalism [expand] Typology [expand] Anthropology Of Christianity [expand] Anthropology Of Knowledge [expand] Archaeobotany [expand] Biculturalism [expand] Bilingual/Immersion Education [expand] Bilingualism And Schooling [expand] Chronic Illness [expand] Coconut [expand] Corporations [expand] Decolonising Academia [expand] Digital Technologies [expand] Dispute Resolution [expand] Domestic Space [expand] Dreams [expand] Ecology of relations [expand] Elections [expand] Evolution of Language [expand] Family Planning [expand] Food History [expand] Friendship [expand] Gambling [expand] Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) [expand] Imagination [expand] Indigenization [expand] Indigenous Capabilities [expand] Indigenous Inquiry [expand] Indigenous Mobility [expand] Intergenerational Equity [expand] Linguistic Reconstruction [expand] Literacy [expand] Markets [expand] Mediation [expand] Mothering [expand] Oceans [expand] Orality And Oral Traditions [expand] Pacific Epistemology [expand] Papua New Guinea [expand] Papuan Languages [expand] Postcolonial Entanglements [expand] Resource Extraction [expand] Rural Development [expand] Secrecy [expand] Semantics-Pragmatics [expand] Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) [expand] Sustainable Tourism [expand] Textiles [expand] Transculturation [expand] Uncertainty [expand] Witchcraft [expand] (Politics Of) Knowledge [expand] Adoption [expand] Agricultural Knowledge And Practices [expand] Anthropology Of Belonging [expand] Archaeology [expand] Biographic Research [expand] Bislama [expand] Clientelism [expand] Colonial Process [expand] Contact Linguistic [expand] Critical Discourse Analysis [expand] Cross-linguistic Studies [expand] Cultural Anthropology [expand] Cultural Models [expand] Decolonization [expand] Employment [expand] Ethnic Identity [expand] Ethnographic History [expand] Ethnomethodology [expand] Feminsm [expand] Firewalking [expand] Forced Migration [expand] Geography [expand] Great-men Societies [expand] Hapahaole [expand] Housing [expand] Human Right To A Healthy Environment [expand] Human Rights And Environmental Studies [expand] Imagology [expand] Indigenous Economies [expand] Indigenous Tourism [expand] Individual Rights To Environmental Protection [expand] International Relations [expand] Journalism [expand] Kastom [expand] Kula [expand] Language Contact [expand] Language Socialization [expand] Linguistic Typology [expand] Linguistics And Advanced English Studies [expand] Local Economies [expand] Local Nomenclature [expand] Medical Research [expand] Milne Bay [expand] Mode of Actions [expand] Monsters [expand] Monuments [expand] Multiculturalism [expand] Myth-making [expand] Non Communicable Diseases [expand] Non-state Justice System [expand] Ocean Acidification [expand] Ontology [expand] Peace And Conflict [expand] Perceptions [expand] Poetics And Politics [expand] Popular Culture [expand] Possession [expand] Post Development Theory [expand] Pre-European Settlement [expand] Precarity [expand] Provenance Research [expand] Public Services [expand] Regional Organisations [expand] Regionalism [expand] Religion and the Media [expand] Reverse Anthropology [expand] Rural / Urban Atolls [expand] Social And Ecological Systems [expand] Social Control [expand] Social Mapping [expand] Torres Strait [expand] World War II [expand] Agrobiodiversity [expand] Anthropology Of Knowing [expand] Anthropology Of Policy [expand] Applied Ethnomusicology [expand] Bilingualism [expand] Borneo [expand] Breadfruit [expand] Ceremonial And Ritual Economy [expand] Cognition [expand] Conflict Resolution [expand] Constitutional Environmental Rights [expand] Contextualisation [expand] Creoles [expand] Cultural Centers [expand] Cultural Education [expand] Death [expand] Development Ideology [expand] Devolution [expand] Disability [expand] Disaster Studies [expand] Discourse Analysis [expand] Drawing [expand] Economy And Justice [expand] Electronic Resources [expand] Environmental Jurisprudence of Supreme Courts [expand] Ethnogenesis [expand] Extractive Industry - Mining And Oil [expand] Family Organization [expand] France’s Charter For The Environment [expand] Funerary Archaeology [expand] Funerary Practices [expand] Gastrocolonialism [expand] Genetic Resources [expand] Historical Linguistics [expand] History Of Anthropology [expand] Hitorical-Comparative Linguistics [expand] ICT In Education [expand] Indigenous Cosmopolitics [expand] Informal Education [expand] Inter-racial Relations [expand] Land Ownership [expand] Learning And Teaching [expand] Livelihoods [expand] Local Currency [expand] Maternalisms [expand] Matrilineal Kinship [expand] Memorial Diplomacy [expand] Mental Illness [expand] Metabolic Disorders [expand] Migration, Belonging, Im/Mobility [expand] Millenarianism [expand] Mining Labour [expand] Mission Publishing [expand] Nonviolent Resistance [expand] Oceanic Historicities [expand] Ontological Security [expand] Oro [expand] Pacific Relational Hermeneutics [expand] Participatory Media [expand] Pedagogy [expand] Personhood And Selfhood [expand] Place Making [expand] Politics Of Knowing And Not Knowing [expand] Psychological Anthropology [expand] Public Sector Reform [expand] Rights Of The Unborn And Future Generations [expand] Sedimentology [expand] Sensory Ethnography [expand] Sex Workers [expand] Sexual Assaults [expand] Social Justice Policy [expand] Social Media Activism [expand] Social Representations [expand] Subaltern Bodies [expand] Taro [expand] Translation [expand] Transport [expand] Water [expand] Water And Wastewater Treatment And Reuse [expand] Weapons [expand] Weaving [expand] Youth Activism [expand] Accounting [expand] Acculturation [expand] Agenda Building [expand] Aging Bachelorhood [expand] Aid [expand] Algorithmic And Geometric Practices [expand] Anthropology Of Aging [expand] Anthropology Of Care [expand] Anthropology-of-education [expand] Applied Linguistics [expand] Aspirations [expand] Autoethnography [expand] Baskets [expand] Belonging [expand] Biliteracy [expand] Biological Anthropology [expand] Birth [expand] Cancer [expand] Civil And Enviornmental Engineering [expand] Class, Race, Gender [expand] Climate Change Adaptation [expand] Climate Finance [expand] Coconut Oil [expand] Communities Of Practice [expand] Community-based Conservation [expand] Comparative Austronesian Anthropology [expand] Complex Adaptive Systems [expand] Constitutional Law [expand] Coral Reef Ecology [expand] Corporate Social Responsibility [expand] Corpus Linguistics [expand] Crime Fiction [expand] Critical Military Studies [expand] Cultural Astronomy [expand] Cultural Psychology [expand] Curatorship [expand] Curriculum And Instruction In Teacher Education [expand] Data Mining [expand] Deep Past [expand] Development And Culture [expand] Disciplinarity [expand] Discourses [expand] Diversity [expand] Emigration [expand] Emotion Terminology [expand] Enculturation [expand] Environmental Migrations [expand] Esthetic [expand] Ethno-archéologie [expand] Ethnomathematics [expand] EU Aid/develpment Policy [expand] Exchange Processes [expand] Fatherhood [expand] Feminist Security Studies [expand] Film Studies [expand] Forced Displacement [expand] Genetic Diversity [expand] Genetics [expand] Geochemistry [expand] Geomorphology [expand] Global History [expand] Governance And Policy [expand] Himalayan Pahari History [expand] Homelessness [expand] Humanitarian Aid [expand] Hydrodynamics [expand] Hygiene [expand] Indigenous Economic Freedom [expand] Indigenous Polytheisms [expand] Indigenous Substances/medicines [expand] Indigenous-non-Indigenous Relations [expand] Industrial Ethnography [expand] Initiation [expand] Intergenerational Justice [expand] International Law [expand] International Security [expand] Invertebrate Zoology [expand] Just Transition [expand] Knowledge Repatriation [expand] Language Classification [expand] Language Variation [expand] Languages Of Oceania [expand] Languages Of Vanuatu [expand] Law Of The Sea [expand] Life History [expand] Local/folk Taxonomy [expand] Loss And Damage [expand] Marine Protected Areas [expand] Mary Douglas [expand] Masks [expand] Mathematical Knowledge [expand] Māui Genealogies [expand] Medical Technology [expand] Medical Transfer [expand] Medicine [expand] Melanesia [expand] Memorial [expand] Memory And Transmission [expand] Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) [expand] Menstruation [expand] Micro Plastcis [expand] Middle East Media [expand] Migration Of North Africans [expand] Miklouho-Maclay [expand] Moral And Ethics [expand] Multilingualism [expand] Multispecies Relations [expand] Museum Conservation [expand] Nalik [expand] Nationhood [expand] Nature's Rights [expand] Naturecultures [expand] New Media And ICTD [expand] Newspaper History [expand] Newspapers [expand] Nisvai Language [expand] Nominal Classification [expand] Number Systems [expand] Nursery Lore And Children's Folklore [expand] Nursing And Midwifery [expand] Oil Palm [expand] Ontogeny [expand] Open Futures [expand] Orality [expand] Outer Island Development [expand] Overseas Territories [expand] Pacific Diasporic Media [expand] Participation [expand] Paybak Killing [expand] Personal [expand] Philology [expand] Phosphate [expand] Pictorial Argumentation [expand] Pidgin-creole Languages [expand] Political Power [expand] Politics Of Culture [expand] Polynesian Outliers [expand] Post-catastrophe Reconstruction [expand] Practices [expand] Prehistory [expand] Press [expand] Prison [expand] Privatisation [expand] Public Events [expand] Publishing [expand] Queer Sexuality And Genders [expand] Race [expand] Racial Mobility [expand] Rainwater Harvesting [expand] Rapanui [expand] Regionalisation [expand] Relational Ethics [expand] Relational Theology [expand] Religious Change [expand] Remote Sensing [expand] Rent-seeking and Crony Capitalism [expand] Repatriation [expand] Reproduction [expand] Resistance [expand] Roads [expand] Rural-urban Linkages [expand] Saltwater People [expand] Sanitation [expand] Scenography [expand] Sea Management [expand] Secret Languages [expand] Seed Circulation [expand] Settlerhood [expand] Shark in Culture [expand] Social Theory [expand] Socioaesthetics [expand] Sociolegal [expand] Sociolinguistics [expand] Sociology of Public Action [expand] Sociometry [expand] Solomon Islands [expand] South Efate Language [expand] Southeast Asian Capitalism [expand] Southeast Asian Corporations [expand] Spatial Justice [expand] Spirit Possession [expand] Stakeholder Engagement [expand] Stringband Music [expand] Sustainability Education [expand] Sweet Potato [expand] Technologies Of Nurture [expand] The SIOP Model [expand] Theories Of Exchanges [expand] Toilets [expand] Tok Pisin [expand] Touch [expand] Traditional (drug) Substances [expand] Traditional Art Forms Of Pre- And Contact Oceania [expand] Traditionnal Exchange [expand] Training Formation [expand] Transdisciplinarity [expand] Transnationalism, Fa'a-Samoa [expand] Urban Ethnography [expand] Variationist Linguistics [expand] Violent Conflict [expand] Visitor Studies [expand] Visual And Multimodal Metaphors [expand] Water Music [expand] Women's Fellowships [expand] Women's Leadership [expand] Wonder [expand] | Member's corner
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Some figures...The database of experts counts today 1247 profiles, of which 601 are publicly accessible, while 646 have chosen to remain private.These persons have defined 754 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise. They have also defined and described 652 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed. | |