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Curator, Oceania at Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology at Harvard University, United States

Administrative areas: Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia
Places: Micronesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Cosmology, Cultural Heritage, Engaged Anthropology, Environment, First Contacts, Globalization, Historical Imagination, History, Intellectual Property Rights, Land Management

Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, Morobe (Papua New Guinea), Eastern Highlands (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Papua New Guinea
Keywords: Children, Customary Law, Gender, Indigenous Politics, Kinship, Migration, Mining, Political Ecology, Political Economy, Engaged Anthropology

Domenica Gisella CALABRÒ
Lecturer, Gender Studies at University of the South Pacific, Fiji

Administrative areas: New Zealand, Fiji
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Identity, Cultural Change, Social Change, Cultural Heritage, Sport, Gender, Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Epistemology, Indigenous Politics, Engaged Anthropology

Emmanuelle CRANE
Adjunct Professor, History, Media studies at Sorbonne Paris 4, France

Administrative areas: French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile), Australia
Keywords: Engaged Anthropology, Ethnographic Filmmaking, French Overseas Territories, Gender Violence, Justice, Media And National Identity, Pacific Media, Post-Colonialism, Violence, Sexual Assaults

Melissa DEMIAN
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology at University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Colonial Discourse, Development, Engaged Anthropology, Justice, Law and Culture

Professor, Global Development at University of East Anglia, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Development, Cultural Transformation, Engaged Anthropology, Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations, Kinship, Extractive Industry - Mining And Oil

stuart KIRSCH
Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Michigan, United States

Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, West Papua, Solomon Islands
Keywords: Climate Change, Engaged Anthropology, Industrial Ethnography, Open Futures, Political Ecology, Property

Principal lecturer, Media Studies at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Administrative areas: Solomon Islands, Rennell and Bellona (Solomon Islands), Western (Solomon Islands)
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Art, Audiovisual and Media, Agency, Christianisation, Cognitive Anthropology, Colonial Discourse, Complexity, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Production

Fabienne LABBÉ
Research Fellow, Section Infectious Diseases and Immunization at Quebec Institute of Public Health, Canada

Administrative areas: Fiji, New Caledonia
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Health, Sexuality, Gender, Ilness Experience, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Medical Anthropology, Applied Anthropology, Engaged Anthropology, Emotions

Associate Professor, English literature and culture at University of French Polynesia, French Polynesia

Administrative areas: French Polynesia
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Anti-colonial, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Imagination, Colonial Literature, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Studies, Engaged Anthropology, First Contacts, Francophone Literatures, Gender

Adjunct/associate Researcher, School of Anthropology and Conservation at University of Kent, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Tonga, New Zealand, Fiji
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Medical Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, Pacific Media, Intersubjectivity, Ilness Experience, Mental Illness, Global Health, Ethnographic Filmmaking, Engaged Anthropology

Lecturer, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Goettingen, Germany

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Christianisation, Development, Engaged Anthropology, Political Ecology, Sorcery, Social Change, Ritual, Religion, Mining, Big-manship

Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences at University of Siegen, Germany

Administrative areas: Fiji, Samoa
Places: Fiji Islands, Samoa
Keywords: Migration, Social Organization, Agency, Applied Anthropology, Class, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Imagination, Colonialism, Complexity, Conflict

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Hamburg, Germany

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Indonesia, New Caledonia
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Agency, Applied Anthropology, Class, Colonial Discourse, Cognitive Anthropology, Colonialism, Conflict, Conflict Management, Cultural Change, Cultural Heritage

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1398 profiles, of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 835 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.