Collaborative Project (2002 to 2005) — Laval University and Museum of Civlization, Quebec City Principal investigator: Pierre Maranda. Accessible online at: Project (2002 to 2005) — Laval University and Museum of Civilization, Quebec City Artefacts and anthropological data from the Solomon Islands. Principale investigator: Pierre Maranda. For more information: Research (2003 to 2005) — Laval UniversityPhD Research (2006 to 2020) — École des hautes études en sciences socialesAcademic Position (2009 to 2011) With Christine Jourdan, Pierre Maranda and Eric Waddell. The Pacific Islands Group seminar is a multidisciplinary seminar series co-hosted by Concordia University, Montreal, and Laval University, Quebec City. Academic Position (2012 to 2013) Student Anthropologist is the flagship peer-reviewed journal of the National Association of Student Anthropologists, a section of the American Anthropological Association.Collaborative Project (2015) — European Commission Health specialist for the Work Package 2 - Resources Sharing and Database Building. Team leader : Laurent Dousset.Collaborative Project (2016 to 2018) — Concordia University Principal Investigator: Christine Jourdan Academic Position (2018 to 2019) — Université Laval, Québec, CanadaApplied Research (2020 to now) — Quebec Institute of Public Health |