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Jo   Middleton

Senior Research Fellow
Sussex Sustainability Research Programme; Dept. Primary Care and Public Health, and NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Neglected Tropical Diseases
University of Sussex; Brighton and Sussex Medical School (United Kingdom)
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I speak in the following language(s): Tok Pisin

Primarily integrating conservation and medical provision in Papua New Guinea.

Recent related publications:
* Stockdale, Middleton et al. 2024. Mobilising Papua New Guinea’s conservation humanities: research landscape, capacity building needs, future directions. Conservation & Society.
* Middleton et al. 2023. Health service needs and perspectives of a rainforest conserving community in Papua New Guinea’s Ramu lowlands: a combined clinical and rapid anthropological assessment with parallel treatment of urgent cases. BMJ Open.
* Middleton. 2022. Can ivermectin mass drug administrations to control scabies also reduce skin and soft tissue infections? Hospitalizations and primary care presentations lower after a large-scale trial in Fiji. The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific.
* Middleton et al. 2020. Health service needs and perspectives of remote forest communities in Papua New Guinea: study protocol for combined clinical and rapid anthropological assessments with parallel treatment of urgent cases. BMJ Open.
* Middleton et al. 2020. Rationale, experience and ethical considerations underpinning integrated actions to further global goals for health and land biodiversity in Papua New Guinea. Sustainability Science.
Health and nutrition studies
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Historical periods
The Colonial time
20th century
21st century
Indigenous languages
Tok Pisin
  • Collaborative Project (2017 to 2022)
    — Funder: Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
    PNG’s globally important rainforests are threatened by logging, and its health-related Sustainable Development Goal indicators are worse than all but two countries outside sub-Saharan Africa. Surfaces is mapping evidence on integrated health and conservation projects worldwide, and aims to provide a practical example in PNG’s rainforests, focusing first on neglected tropical skin diseases (specifically scabies and fungal diseases).
  • Collaborative Project (2019 to 2022)
    — Funder: UK government Department for Environment Food
    This Darwin Initiative project which aims to protect highly diverse forests in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and improve their inhabitants’ quality of life. Using conservation interventions, research, and capacity building it is: (i) enabling expansion of indigenous rainforest conservation through community health provision (ii) spreading awareness of the benefits of intact forests (iii) researching both the relationships between forest integrity and health in PNG, and the efficacy of integration of health services into forest conservation across the tropics, and (iv) training students and staff in research and conservation.
  • Collaborative Project (2021 to 2023)
    — Funder: UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund
    Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a global centre for ecological and cultural diversity. This cross-school interdisciplinary project is (1) evaluating COVID-19 impacts on PNG biodiversity conservation, (2) supporting three indigenous conservation communities with practical COVID-19 advice and aid, and (3) developing a PNG wide action plan to sustain conservation through the pandemic. Pump-priming work will also expand our existing international partnership to include Arts and Humanities researchers from Sussex and PNG to strengthen conservation and indigenous land rights.
  • Collaborative Project (2022)
    — Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
    Over the past 20 years, slash-and-burn agriculture has accounted for nearly 50% of New Guinea's forest loss, with the recent increased town to rural migration triggered by Covid-19 related economic retraction exacerbating the situation further. Bringing together Sussex, IDS and in-country partner expertise in biodiversity conservation, sustainable food systems, and health, the team will carry out integrated intervention research in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with the aims of improving food security, reviving the local food economy after COVID-19 and reducing pressure on rainforests that harbour high carbon stocks and biodiversity in three indigenous rainforest communities in PNG.
  • Collaborative Project (2023)
    — Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
    Building upon a fruitful 22-year collaboration on tropical forest conservation between the PI and the partner institute in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as well as on the previous successful SSRP-funded project (SURFACES), the research team will lay the foundations for the integration of health and conservation initiatives at two more sites in Melanesia: Bougainville Island’s upland forests and the lowland forests of Sepu, Papua New Guinea (PNG). This cross-school project will provide baseline data on indigenous health and biodiversity, and medical treatment of urgent cases will be provided alongside data collection.
  • Collaborative Project (2023)
    — Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
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