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| Specialities |
Conflict, Development, Education, Governance, Indigenous Political Movements, Identity, Land Tenure, Mining, Post-Colonialism, Political Ecology, Perception, Social Mapping, Natural Resources, Sustainability Education, Indigenous Knowledge, Youth Activism |
Discipline(s) |
Education sciences Geography
Member of |
European Society for Oceanists (ESfO) e-toile Pacifique (e-toile) Pacific History Association (PHA)  |
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Historical periods |
21st century 20th century Anticipatory
Experiences |
PhD Research (2006 to 2010) — University of Heidelberg and University Montpellier III PhD title: Les populations kanak face au développement de l'industrie du nickel en Nouvelle-CalédonieAcademic Position (2012 to 2013) — University of New CaledoniaAcademic Position (2013 to 2014) — Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Noumea (New Caledonia)Academic Position (2014 to 2016) — University of BremenAcademic Position (2016 to 2018) — University of Graz |
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Some figures...The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private. These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise. They have also defined and described 712 ' experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.
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