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, Bergen Pacific Studies; ECOPAS at University of Bergen, Norway

Administrative areas: Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Anthropology, Anthropology of Knoweldge, Anthropology of Ontology, Development Studies, Gender Based Violence, Gender, Globalization, Indigenous Knowledge, Kastom, Pacific Studies

Lecturer, Department of Anthropology at University College London, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, Australia (area)
Keywords: Agency, Agriculture, Anthropological Fieldwork, Anthropology of Ontology, Art, Body Theory, Categorization, Cognitive Anthropology, Complexity, Conceptual Model

Eveline DÜRR
Professor, Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Administrative areas: New Zealand
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Anthropological Fieldwork, Anthropology of Ontology, Anthropology of Tourism, Colonial Discourse, Cultural Change, Eco-anthropology, Ethnographic Encounter, Globalization, Identity, Indigenous Mobility

Independent researcher, Australia

Administrative areas: Australia
Places: Central Australia, South Australia
Keywords: Anthropology of Ontology, Children, Art, Christianity, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Cultural Change, Culture-nature Relations, Dreams, Landscape, Personhood

Senior Research Fellow, Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale at CNRS, Collège de France and EHESS, France

Administrative areas: Australia, French Polynesia
Places: Australia (area), Polynesia
Keywords: Agency, Anthropological Fieldwork, Anthropology of Ontology, Audiovisual and Media, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Disaster, Memory, Political Anthropology, Ritual, Sand-Drawing

Adjunct Professor, Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Australia

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Austronesian Languages, Emotion Terminology, Anthropology of Knoweldge, Anthropology of Ontology, Language-Culture-Cognition, Linguistic Reconstruction, Myth, Morality, Narratives, Custom

Professor, Department of Anthropology at San Diego State University, United States

Administrative areas: Australia
Places: Australia (area)
Keywords: Anthropological Fieldwork, Anthropology Of Knowing, Anthropology of Ontology, Applied Anthropology, Colonial Process, Cultural Change, Decolonisation, Indigeneity, Indigenous Knowledge, Politics Of Knowing And Not Knowing

Postdoctoral Fellow, ADRAS Research Project on Small Scale Mining In Bougainville at Griffith University/ANU, Australia

Keywords: Anthropological Fieldwork, Anthropology of Knoweldge, Anthropology of Ontology, Dispute Resolution, Indigenous Epistemology, Indigenous Politics, Land Tenure, Mining, Social Change

, Institue of Ethnology at Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

Administrative areas: Australia, Northern Territory (Australia), Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Australia (area), Arnhem Land, Melanesia
Keywords: Tourism, Kinship, Relatedness, Urban Identity, Cosmology, Perception, Anthropology of Ontology, Knowledge, Law and Culture, Spirituality

Andrew MILLS
Research Fellow, Centre for Textile Conservation & Technical Art History, History of Art Department, School of Culture & Creative Arts at University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Tonga, Fiji
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Art, Anthropology of Ontology, Cultural Change, Material Culture, Mission History, Museums, Semiotics, Tapa, Weapons, Violent Conflict

Independent researcher, IFMNC at IFMNC, New Caledonia

Administrative areas: New Caledonia
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Anthropology of Ontology, Race / Racism, Esthetic

Associate Professor, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África at El Colegio de México, Mexico

Administrative areas: Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, New Caledonia, Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile), Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Indigenous Epistemology, Climate Change, Climate Policy, Anthropology of Ontology, Cultural Geography, Ecology, First Contacts, History, Horticulture, Knowledge

Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology at University of Auckland, New Zealand

Administrative areas: New Zealand, Gisborne (New Zealand)
Places: Polynesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Anthropology of Ontology, Colonialism, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Cultural Transformation, Digital Resources, First Contacts, Intellectual Property Rights, Kinship, Law and Culture, Museums

Michael W. SCOTT
Professor, Anthropology Department at London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Solomon Islands
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Anthropology of Ontology, Cosmology, Religion, Wonder, Myth-making, Indigenous Christianities, Place-making, Ethnogenesis, Personhood, Sociality

Johanna Louise WHITELEY
PhD Student, Anthropology at London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Isabel (Solomon Islands), Solomon Islands
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Land Tenure, Landscape, Local/Folk Classification, Mission History, Matrilineal Kinship, Custom, Cosmology, Anthropology of Ontology, Religion

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1394 profiles, of which 654 are publicly accessible, while 740 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 834 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 707 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.