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Reserachers working on ANTHROPOLOGY OF SCIENCES (alphabetical order)
Anne Louise FAITHFULL PhD Student, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Australia Places: Australia (area)Keywords: Anthropology , Anthropology Of Sciences , Body , Heritage , Material Culture , Museums , Indigenous Inquiry
Elsa FAUGERE Research Fellow, Ecodevelopment at French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropology of Knoweldge , Economic Anthropology , Environment , Exchanges , Anthropological Fieldwork , Anthropology Of Sciences
Marie TOUSSAINT PhD Student, Centre Norbert Elias at EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropology Of Sciences , Applied Anthropology , Conservation , Decolonisation , Environment , Forestry , Political Anthropology , Public Policies , Rural Development , State
Paige WEST Professor, Center for the Study of Social Difference at Columbia University , United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Australia Places: Melanesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Cultural Anthropology , Environment , Dispossession , Climate Change , Development , Migration , The Imagination , Tourism , Anthropology Of Sciences
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1394
profiles , of which 655 are publicly accessible, while 739 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 834 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 707 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.