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Other staff, Library of Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Oslo, Norway

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Vokeo
Keywords: Adoption, Kinship, Place, Land Management, Landscape, Symbolism, Body, Library

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Anthropological and Spatial Studies at Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Body Theory, Categorization, Christianisation, Complexity, Cosmology, Custom, Development, Epistemology, Feeling of Belonging, Indigenous Politics

Professor, Department of English at University of Toulon, France

Administrative areas: Australia
Places: Australia (area)
Keywords: Diasporas, Environment, Historical Imagination, History, Identity, Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations, Landscape, Literature, Narratives, Place

Laurence Marshall CARUCCI
Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Montana State University, United States

Administrative areas: Marshall Islands
Places: Marshall Islands
Keywords: Adoption, Age and Aging, Anthropological Fieldwork, Body, Christianity, Climate Change, Climate Change Migration, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Literature, Colonialism

Andrea EIMKE
PhD Student, CoLab at AUT Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Administrative areas: Cook Islands
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Art, Creativity, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Technology, Feeling of Belonging, Identity, Material Culture, Place, Space, Tapa

Independent researcher, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società at University of Turin, Italy

Administrative areas: New Caledonia, Nord (New Caledonia)
Places: Belep Islands
Keywords: Creativity, Environment, Gardens, Landscape, Place, Personhood, Sociality, Relatedness

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Regina, Canada

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Anthropological Fieldwork, Emotions, Exchanges, Gender, Kula, Senses, Place

Craig LIND
Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Centre for Pacific Studies at University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Vanuatu, Malampa (Vanuatu), Shefa (Vanuatu)
Places: Melanesia, Vanuatu
Keywords: Gender, Intersubjectivity, Landscape, Memory, Migration, Mission History, Museums, Perception, Personhood, Religion

Jonathon PRASAD
, Department of Religious Studies at Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Fiji
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Body Theory, Cognitive Anthropology, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Imagination, Conceptual Model, Cultural Geography, Dance, Death and Bereavement, Diasporas, Epistemology

Independent researcher, Social anthropology at Tampere University, Finland

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Environment, Exchanges, Land Tenure, Logging, Place, Political Ecology, Statehood, Work, Conservation, Corporations

Eilin Holtan TORGERSEN
PhD Student, Department of Social Anthropology, Bergen Pacific Studies at University of Bergen, Norway

Administrative areas: Hawaii
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Cosmology, Cultural Change, Cultural Landscapes, Culture-nature Relations, Dance, Disaster, Ecology, Environmental Anthropology, Epistemology, Ethnicity

Contractual researcher at Australian National University, Australia

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, Australia
Places: Australia (area), Melanesia
Keywords: Land Tenure, Myth, Place, Social-ecological System, Native Title, Verbal Art, Law and Culture

Adjunct/associate Researcher, President at Australia, New Zealand and Oceania Research Association, Poland

Administrative areas: New Zealand, Kiribati, Hawaii
Places: Micronesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Christianisation, Citizenship, Coconut, Development, Food and Nutrition, First Contacts, Governance, History, Identity, Library

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1398 profiles, of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 835 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.