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Reserachers working on ENVIRONMENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY (alphabetical order)
Michelle DYER Postdoctoral Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, SwedenAdministrative areas: Solomon Islands Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropology , Applied Anthropology , Environmental Anthropology , Feminism , Gender , Indigenous Epistemology , Land Tenure , Natural Resource Exploitation , Political Ecology , Resilience
Desirée HETZEL Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for European Ethnology/IRI THESYs at Humboldt University of Berlin, GermanyAdministrative areas: Vanuatu Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Environmental Anthropology , Climate Change , Horticulture , Indigenous Political Movements , Climate Change Adaptation , Livelihoods , Resilience And Indigenous Communities , Water
Jerry Keith JACKA Professor, Anthropology at University of Colorado Boulder, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Keywords: Development , Environmental Anthropology , Climate Change
Stéphanie LECLERC-CAFFAREL Contractual researcher, Anthropology Department, National Museum of Natural History at Smithsonian Institution, United StatesAdministrative areas: Fiji Places: Polynesia, MelanesiaKeywords: Agency , Art , Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations , Museums , Body , Ceremonial discourse , Colonial Imagination , Contemporary Indigenous Art , Culture-nature Relations , Custom
Kayser LIS PhD Student, Anthropology Department, Aarhus University at Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), DenmarkAdministrative areas: French Polynesia Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Environmental Anthropology , French Polynesia , International Relations , Nuclear Issues , Post-Colonialism , Memory , Politics Of Knowing And Not Knowing
Michelle MACCARTHY Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology at Saint Mary's University, CanadaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropology of Tourism , Christianity , Cosmology , Cultural Change , Cultural Heritage , Death and Bereavement , Economic Anthropology , Environmental Anthropology , Gender , Gift-giving Practices And Theory
Martha MACINTYRE Research Fellow, School of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Economic Anthropology , Environmental Anthropology , Extractive Industry - Mining And Oil , Feminism , Gender , Gender Violence , Human Rights , Land Tenure , Medical Anthropology , Milne Bay
Michael Allan MAIN Independent researcher, Research Affiliate, The Initiative for Peacebuilding at The University of Melbourne, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Australia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Applied Anthropology , Conflict Resolution , Environmental Anthropology , Indigenous Agency , Inequality , Land Ownership , Papua New Guimea , Resource Extraction , Violent Conflict , Sorcery And Related Violence
Ian PARKER PhD Student, Department of Anthropology at University of California San Diego, United StatesAdministrative areas: Indonesia , Irian Jaya Barat (Indonesia), Papua (Indonesia)Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, West PapuaKeywords: Ethics , Environmental Anthropology , Conservation , Interethnic Relations , Tourism , Social-ecological System , Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) , Human-environment Relations , Religion , Seascapes
Eilin Holtan TORGERSEN PhD Student, Department of Social Anthropology, Bergen Pacific Studies at University of Bergen, NorwayAdministrative areas: Hawaii Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Cosmology , Cultural Change , Cultural Landscapes , Culture-nature Relations , Dance , Disaster , Ecology , Environmental Anthropology , Epistemology , Ethnicity
Carsten WERGIN Associate Professor, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, GermanyAdministrative areas: Australia , Western Australia (Australia)Places: Australia (country), Western AustraliaKeywords: Audiovisual and Media , Climate Change , Conflict Management , Conservation , Contemporary Indigenous Art , Culture-nature Relations , Decolonisation , Diasporas , Environmental Anthropology , Global Health
Elisabeth WORLICZEK Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Global Change and Sustainability at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), AustriaAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , Wallis and Futuna , French Polynesia , Papua New Guinea , Vanuatu Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Climate Change , Climate Change Migration , Coastal Erosion , Cultural Change , Disaster , Interdisciplinarity , Migration , Mining and its Discontents , Natural Hazards , Social Change
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.