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Postdoctoral Fellow, Département des langues at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France

Administrative areas: New Zealand
Places: Vanuatu, New Caledonia, France possession, French Polynesia, Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands
Keywords: Crime Fiction, Cultural Studies, Creativity, Colonial Literature, Contemporary Literatures, French Overseas Territories, Literature, Postcolonial Literatures, Post-Colonialism

Laurence Marshall CARUCCI
Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Montana State University, United States

Administrative areas: Marshall Islands
Places: Marshall Islands
Keywords: Adoption, Age and Aging, Anthropological Fieldwork, Body, Christianity, Climate Change, Climate Change Migration, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Literature, Colonialism

Thomas DICK
PhD Student, School of Arts and Social Science at Southern Cross University, Australia

Administrative areas: Vanuatu, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Sanma (Vanuatu), Torba (Vanuatu), Malampa (Vanuatu)
Places: Melanesia, Australia (area)
Keywords: Water Music, Agency, Audiovisual and Media, Colonial Discourse, Cultural Production, Creativity, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Development Media, Diasporas, Ethnographic Filmmaking

Andrea EIMKE
PhD Student, CoLab at AUT Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Administrative areas: Cook Islands
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Art, Creativity, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Technology, Feeling of Belonging, Identity, Material Culture, Place, Space, Tapa

Marion FAYN
PhD Student, Anthropology at Université de la Polynésie française, French Polynesia

Administrative areas: French Polynesia
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Dance, Cutural Change, Cultural Heritage, Identity, Body, Creativity, Performance, Music, Song / Dance, Organology

Independent researcher, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società at University of Turin, Italy

Administrative areas: New Caledonia, Nord (New Caledonia)
Places: Belep Islands
Keywords: Creativity, Environment, Gardens, Landscape, Place, Personhood, Sociality, Relatedness

Associate Professor, Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology at University of Western Australia, Australia

Administrative areas: Australia
Places: Western Australia
Keywords: Applied Anthropology, Cognitive Anthropology, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Law and Culture, Personhood, Property, Creativity, Dreams

Professor, CREDO - Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Océanie at Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, EHESS, France

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Melanesia
Keywords: Art, Cultural Heritage, Ecology, Ethnobotany, Intellectual Property Rights, Kinship, Material Culture, Personhood, Property, Creativity

Assistant Professor, Center for Pacific Islands Studies at University of Hawai'i-Manoa, United States

Administrative areas: New Zealand, Hawaii
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Art, Body Theory, Contemporary Indigenous Art, Creativity, Dance, Education, Indigenous Epistemology, Performance

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.