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Reserachers working on LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY (alphabetical order)
Jocelyn AZNAR Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft at Universität Zürich, Unibe, SwitzerlandAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Malampa (Vanuatu)Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Narratives , Literature , Language Documentation , Digital Resources , Linguistic Description , Nisvai Language , Cross-linguistic Studies , Corpus Linguistics
Giovanni BENNARDO Professor, Department of Anthropology at Northern Illinois University, United StatesAdministrative areas: Tonga Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Climate Change , Comparative Studies , Kinship , Knowledge , Language , Language-Culture-Cognition , Linguistic Anthropology , Semantics-Pragmatics , Social Network Analysis , Social Organization
Niko BESNIER Professor, Anthropology at Universiteit van Amsterdam, NetherlandsAdministrative areas: Tuvalu , Tonga , Wallis and Futuna , American Samoa , Australia , New Zealand , New Caledonia Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Gender , Sexuality , Globalization , Body Theory , Food and Nutrition , Sport , Morality , Christianity , Conflict , Economic Anthropology
Sophie CHAVE-DARTOEN Associate Professor, Anthropology Department / Passagess UMR CNRS 5319 at Université de Bordeaux, FranceAdministrative areas: Wallis and Futuna Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Agency , Categorization , Cognitive Anthropology , Cultural Technology , Kinship , Life-cycle Exchanges , Linguistic Anthropology , Names and Naming , Ritual , Social Change
Christian DÖHLER (DOEHLER) Postdoctoral Fellow at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, GermanyAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Western (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Western Province (Fly)Keywords: Environment , Language Documentation , Language Change , Language Shift , Language Socialization , Language-Culture-Cognition , Linguistic Anthropology , Linguistic Description , Myth , Music and Languages
Anne-Laure DOTTE , Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR 5596) at Université Lumière-Lyon 2, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia Places: Ouvéa, New CaledoniaKeywords: Austronesian Languages , French Overseas Territories , Language Change , Language Documentation , Language Policy , Language Shift , Linguistic Anthropology , Contact Linguistic
Courtney HANDMAN Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Texas at Austin, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Morobe (Papua New Guinea)Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Christianity , Christianisation , Colonial Discourse , Colonialism , Communication , Language Policy , Language Ideology , Linguistic Anthropology , Mission History , Pacific Media
Volker HEESCHEN Professor emeritus, Institut für Ethnologie at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, GermanyAdministrative areas: Indonesia Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropological Fieldwork , Contemporary Literatures , Great-men Societies , History , Human Rights , Kinship , Language Documentation , Language-Culture-Cognition , Linguistic Anthropology , Linguistic Description
Darja HOENIGMAN Lecturer, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific at The Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, East Sepik province, Karawari/Arafundi, Kanjimei, MeakambutKeywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Ethnographic Filmmaking , Conflict , Myth , Secret Languages , Spirit Possession , Verbal Art , Traditional Ecological Knowledge , Language Registers , Tok Pisin
Isabelle LEBLIC Senior Research Fellow, LACITO at CNRS - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, FranceAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , French Polynesia Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Children , Cosmology , Cultural Technology , Economic Anthropology , Ethnobotany , Fisheries , Globalization , Indigenous Political Movements , Kinship , Linguistic Anthropology
Lamont LINDSTROM Professor, Anthropology at University of Tulsa, United StatesAdministrative areas: Vanuatu Places: Melanesia, VanuatuKeywords: Intellectual Property Rights , Indigenous Politics , Language Change , Linguistic Anthropology , Migration , Narratives , Personhood , Politics , Religion , Ritual
Kathleen RILEY Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University, United StatesAdministrative areas: French Polynesia Places: PolynesiaKeywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Language Socialization , Cultural Heritage , Gender , Environment , Anthropology Of Foodways , Bilingualism , Language Ideology , Language Shift , Sexuality
Alan RUMSEY Professor, Anthropology, College of Asia and the Pacific at Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Australia , Papua New Guinea Places: Melanesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Intersubjectivity , Verbal Art , Political Process , Children
Bambi SCHIEFFELIN Professor, Anthropology Department at New York University, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Christianisation , Intersubjectivity , Language Change , Language Socialization , Linguistic Anthropology , Personhood
Gunter SENFT Professor, Language and Cognition at MPI for Psycholinguistics, NetherlandsAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: Melanesia, Micronesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Cultural Heritage , Death and Bereavement , Development , Emotions , Landscape , Linguistic Anthropology , Navigation , Perception , Poetics , Ritual
Borut TELBAN Professor, Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies at Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SloveniaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Ritual , Personhood , Social Organization , Kinship , Linguistic Anthropology , Social Change , Christianisation , Cosmology , Poetics , Verbal Art
Nick THIEBERGER Senior Research Fellow, School of Languages and Linguistics at University of Melbourne, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Australia , Vanuatu Places: Australia (area), MelanesiaKeywords: Austronesian Languages , Language Documentation , Linguistic Anthropology , South Efate Language
Leslie VANDEPUTTE Assistant Professor, College of Education at the American University in the Emirates, United Arab EmiratesAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , New Caledonia , Shefa (Vanuatu)Places: Melanesia, Vanuatu, Port Vila, New CaledoniaKeywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Evolution of Language , Contact Linguistic , Digital Resources , Urbanization , Urban Identity , Nationalism , Creoles , Identity , Bislama
Jean-Christophe VERSTRAETE Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics at University of Leuven, BelgiumAdministrative areas: Australia , Queensland (Australia)Places: Australia (area), QueenslandKeywords: Language Documentation , Linguistic Description , Linguistic Anthropology , Linguistic Typology
Svenja VOELKEL Associate Professor, Institute of Language Typology at University of Mainz, GermanyAdministrative areas: Tonga , Australia Places: Polynesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Linguistic Anthropology , Cognitive Anthropology , Language-Culture-Cognition , Kinship , Social Organization , Space , Possession
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1400
profiles , of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 836 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.