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Reserachers working on MUSIC AND LANGUAGES (alphabetical order)
Thomas DICK PhD Student, School of Arts and Social Science at Southern Cross University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Indonesia , Papua New Guinea , Sanma (Vanuatu), Torba (Vanuatu), Malampa (Vanuatu)Places: Melanesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Water Music , Agency , Audiovisual and Media , Colonial Discourse , Cultural Production , Creativity , Contemporary Indigenous Art , Development Media , Diasporas , Ethnographic Filmmaking
Christian DÖHLER (DOEHLER) Postdoctoral Fellow at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, GermanyAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Western (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Western Province (Fly)Keywords: Environment , Language Documentation , Language Change , Language Shift , Language Socialization , Language-Culture-Cognition , Linguistic Anthropology , Linguistic Description , Myth , Music and Languages
Sebastian T. ELLERICH Lecturer, Musicological Department at University of Cologne, GermanyAdministrative areas: Fiji , Vanuatu Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Agriculture , Bislama , History , Identity , Indigenization , Kava , Language Ideology , Music , Music and Languages , Nationalism
Stéphanie GENEIX-RABAULT Independent researcher, Academie des Langues Kanak, CNEP-Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et LACITO-CNRS at Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie, New CaledoniaAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , Indonesia Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Music , Nursery Lore And Children's Folklore , Music and Languages , Dance , Song / Dance , Organology
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1400
profiles , of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 836 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.