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(alphabetical order)

Frederick H. DAMON
Professor, Department of Anthropology at University of Virginia, United States

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea
Places: Australia (area), Papua New Guinea
Keywords: Austronesian Prehistory, Climate Change, Complexity, Death and Bereavement, Ecology, Economic Anthropology, Ethnobotany, Exchanges, Kula, Mortuary Rites

Adjunct/associate Researcher, UMR 7041 at CNRS - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, France

Administrative areas: French Polynesia, Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile), Vanuatu
Places: Polynesia, Melanesia
Keywords: Austronesian Prehistory, Cultural Technology, Exchanges, Material Culture, Techniques, Polynesian Chiefdoms, Social Organization, Anthropology, Geochemistry

Independent researcher, Samoa

Places: Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, West Papua
Keywords: Anthropology Of Belonging, Anthropology of Knoweldge, Applied Linguistics, Austronesian Languages, Austronesian Prehistory, Climate Change Migration, Climate Change Adaptation, Colonial Politic

Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Campus Gotland at Uppsala University, Sweden

Administrative areas: Samoa, Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile), Galapagos (Ecuador)
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Architectural Anthropology, Austronesian Prehistory, Cultural Change, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Management, Material Culture, Migration, Polynesian Chiefdoms, Post-Colonialism, Spatial Theory

Arnaud NOURY
Independent researcher, France

Administrative areas: Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Samoa, Wallis and Futuna, Indonesia
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Art, Austronesian Languages, Climate Change, Cosmology, Digital Resources, Myth, History, Austronesian Prehistory, Pacific Studies, Ritual Studies

Senior Lecturer, Pacific Studies, Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture & Pacific Studies at University of the South Pacific, Fiji

Administrative areas: Fiji, Kiribati
Places: Melanesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Anthropological Fieldwork, Archaeobotany, Austronesian Prehistory, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, Development Studies, Ethnobiology, Heritage Management, Landscape, Local Ecological Knowledge

Graeme WHIMP
, Australia

Administrative areas: New Zealand, Cook Islands
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Austronesian Prehistory, Colonial Discourse, Colonial Imagination, Narratives, Settler Colonialism, Interdisciplinarity, Pacific Studies as Field of Study

Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Sciences at Tromsø University Museum, University of Tromsø, Norway

Administrative areas: Australia, Palau, Northern Mariana Islands, Solomon Islands
Places: Melanesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Austronesian Prehistory, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Management, Materiality, Museums, Inter-ethnic Relations

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1398 profiles, of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 835 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.