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Reserachers working on TECHNIQUES (alphabetical order)
Richard Michael ('Mike') BOURKE Associate Professor, College of Asia and the Pacific at The Australian National University, AustraliaAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Vanuatu , Solomon Islands Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Agriculture , Climate Change , Farming Systems , Food and Nutrition , Gardens , Horticulture , Subsistence Economy , Techniques , Taro , Sweet Potato
Ludovic COUPAYE Lecturer, Department of Anthropology at University College London, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Agency , Agriculture , Anthropological Fieldwork , Anthropology of Ontology , Art , Body Theory , Categorization , Cognitive Anthropology , Complexity , Conceptual Model
Marie DURAND Assistant Professor, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire en études culturelles (LinCS UMR 7069) at Université de Strasbourg, FranceAdministrative areas: Vanuatu , Torba (Vanuatu)Places: Melanesia, VanuatuKeywords: Architectural Anthropology , Material Culture , Techniques , Value , Gender , Cultural Change , Museums
Lucie HAZELGROVE PLANEL PhD Student, Centre for Pacific Studies at University of St Andrews, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Kiribati , Vanuatu , Solomon Islands Places: FutunaKeywords: Textiles / Fibre Arts , Place-making , Techniques , Museums , Material Culture , Heritage , Weaving , Baskets
Aymeric HERMANN Adjunct/associate Researcher, UMR 7041 at CNRS - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, FranceAdministrative areas: French Polynesia , Rapanui - Easter Island (Chile) , Vanuatu Places: Polynesia, MelanesiaKeywords: Austronesian Prehistory , Cultural Technology , Exchanges , Material Culture , Techniques , Polynesian Chiefdoms , Social Organization , Anthropology , Geochemistry
Stéphanie LECLERC-CAFFAREL Contractual researcher, Anthropology Department, National Museum of Natural History at Smithsonian Institution, United StatesAdministrative areas: Fiji Places: Polynesia, MelanesiaKeywords: Agency , Art , Indigenous/non-Indigenous Relations , Museums , Body , Ceremonial discourse , Colonial Imagination , Contemporary Indigenous Art , Culture-nature Relations , Custom
Erna LILJE Curator at National Museum of World Cultures, NetherlandsAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , Papua (Indonesia)Keywords: Material Culture , Materiality , Museums , Agency , Indigenous Agency , Techniques , Textiles / Fibre Arts
Guillaume MOLLE Research Fellow, Centre International de Recherche Archéologique sur la Polynesie (CIRAP) at University of French Polynesia, French PolynesiaKeywords: Cultural Landscapes , Indo-Pacific Prehistory , Landscape , Polynesian Chiefdoms , Polynesian Languages , Religion , Ritual , Seascape , Social-ecological System , Techniques
Celine TRAVESI Postdoctoral Fellow, CREDO - Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Océanie at Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, EHESS, FranceAdministrative areas: Australia , New Caledonia Places: Australia (area), MelanesiaKeywords: Anthropology Of Knowing , Indigenous Cosmopolitics , Techniques , Senses , Human-environment Relations , Saltwater People , Indigenous-non-Indigenous Relations , Indigenous Tourism
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.