Home > Northern Mariana Islands

Northern Mariana Islands

The World Factbook: Background: :: Under US administration as part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific, the people of the Northern Mariana Islands decided in the 1970s not to seek independence but instead to forge closer links with the US. Negotiations for territorial status began in 1972. A covenant to establish a commonwealth in political union with the US was approved in 1975, and came into force on 24 March 1976. A new government and constitution went into effect in 1978. :: more [Source: The World Factbook] Wikipedia: The Northern Mariana Islands, officially the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI; Chamorro: Sankattan Siha Na Islas Mariånas), is one of the five inhabited U.S. island territories (the other four being Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa).  It is also one of two territories that have a "commonwealth" status (See Commonwealths; the other is Puerto Rico).[3]  It consists of fifteen islands in the western Pacific Ocean located about more [Source: Wikipedia]

Expertise (alphabetical order)

PhD Student, Anthropology, School of Social Sciences at University of California at Los Angeles , United States

Keywords: Militarism, Indigeneity, Environment, Oceania

Professor, Asian American Studies Department at University of California, Los Angeles, United States

Keywords: Colonialism, Contemporary Pacific, Decolonization, Diasporas, Gender, Indigeneity, Interdisciplinarity, Militarism, Nuclear Imperialism, Race / Racism

Associate Professor, Department of Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific at Australian National University, Australia

Keywords: Climate Change, Agency, Anthropology, Conflict Resolution, Coral Reefs, Cultural Geography, Development Studies, Fisheries, Food History, History

Independent researcher, retired University Professor at University of the French Pacific, French Polynesia

Keywords: Myth, Pre-European Settlement, Genetics, Archaeology, Prehistory

Professor, Graduate School of Culture and Communication Studies at Waseda University, Japan

Keywords: Post-Colonialism, Self-Determination, World War II, Art, Climate Change, Cultural Studies, Critical History, Commemoration, Gender, Sexuality

Sylvia FRAIN
PhD Student, The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at University of Otago, New Zealand

Keywords: Nonviolent Resistance, Critical Military Studies, Feminist Security Studies, Visualization and Representation, Social Media Activism, Indigenous Inquiry

Takiora INGRAM
Independent researcher, FRIENDS OF THE LAGOON/PACIFIC PLANNING &RESEARCH at Non-Government Organization, Cook Islands

Keywords: Climate Policy, Development, Gender Violence, Mining and its Discontents, Political Anthropology, Regional History, Seascape, Social Impact Analysis, Sustainable Tourism, World Heritage

Research Fellow, University of Cadiz at ), Spain

Keywords: International Relationships, History

Research Fellow, Ho'omaluhia, Hawai'i, International and Indigenous Division at Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, United States

Keywords: Customary Law, Diasporas, Gender Violence, Health, Human Rights, Identity, Justice, Law and Culture, Mining, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Michael WALSH
, Center for Australian, New Zealand, and Pacific Studies at Georgetown University, United States

Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Sciences at Tromsø University Museum, University of Tromsø, Norway

Keywords: Austronesian Prehistory, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Management, Materiality, Museums, Inter-ethnic Relations

Official Websites

  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islan...
  • US Department of the Interior - Office of ...
  • Department of Public Lands...

    Libraries and Archives

  • Joeten-Kiyu Public Library...
  • Northern Mariana Islands State Library...
  • Northern Marianas College Library...

    Museum Collections

  • American Museum of Natural History...
  • Australian Museum...
  • Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum...

    Health and Health Research

  • Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Heal...
  • World Bank HealthStats...
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pa...


    List of languages
  • More on Glottolog
  • More on Ethnologue
  • Recordings at Paradisec

    Administrative Areas

    Northern Islands (Municipality)
    Rota (Municipality)
    Saipan (Municipality)
    Tinian (Municipality)