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Reserachers working on SOCIAL STUDIES OF KNOWLEDGE (alphabetical order)
Pauline McKenzie AUCOIN Research Fellow, Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University, Montreal, CanadaAdministrative areas: Fiji , Western (Fiji)Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Cosmology , Culture-nature Relations , Dance , Gender , Language Ideology , Performance , Power and Resistance , Social Studies of Knowledge , Space , Religion
Claire COLOMBEL Lecturer, Kanak & Pasifika department at IFMNC - CNEP, New CaledoniaAdministrative areas: New Caledonia , Wallis and Futuna Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Bilingualism And Schooling , Education , Linguistic Description , Literacy , Social Studies of Knowledge , Semantics-Pragmatics
Ludovic COUPAYE Lecturer, Department of Anthropology at University College London, United KingdomAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea , East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)Places: Melanesia, Polynesia, Australia (area)Keywords: Agency , Agriculture , Anthropological Fieldwork , Anthropology of Ontology , Art , Body Theory , Categorization , Cognitive Anthropology , Complexity , Conceptual Model
juliette KON KAM KING PhD Student, UMR SENS (Savoirs, Environnement et Sociétés / Knowledge, Environment and Societies); Social Sciences Department at IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement; Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3; University of Bremen, FranceAdministrative areas: Fiji , New Caledonia Keywords: Sustainability , Social Studies of Knowledge , Natural Resources , Marine Biodiversity , Fisheries
Rena LEDERMAN Professor, Anthropology Department at Princeton University, United StatesAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Exchanges , Economic Anthropology , Political Process , Gender , Morality , Social Organization , Sorcery , Time , Ritual , Property
David LEEMING PhD Student, Department of Social Sciences at Wageningen University, NetherlandsAdministrative areas: Solomon Islands , Rennell and Bellona (Solomon Islands), Kiribati , Fiji , Nauru Places: Melanesia, PolynesiaKeywords: Social Studies of Knowledge , Social Representations , Cultural Studies , Communication , Cultural Education , ICT In Education , Participatory Media , New Media And ICTD , Anthropology , Discourse Analysis
Katherine SAMMLER Research Fellow, Marine Political Ecology at Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, GermanyAdministrative areas: New Zealand , Fiji , Hawaii Places: PolynesiaKeywords: State , Spatial Theory , Social-ecological System , Social Studies of Knowledge , Social Movement , Political Ecology , Oceans , Natural Resources , Legal Geography , Interdisciplinarity
Ivo Soeren SYNDICUS PhD Student, Department of Anthropology at Maynooth University, IrelandAdministrative areas: Papua New Guinea Places: MelanesiaKeywords: Higher Education , Education , Social Studies of Knowledge , Social Differentiation , Development , Law and Culture , Social Change , Personhood , Indigenous Politics , Identity
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Some figures... The database of experts counts today 1398
profiles , of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.
These persons have defined 835 unique
keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.
They have also defined and described 712 '
experiences ' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.