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(alphabetical order)

Jacopo BARON

Administrative areas: Vanuatu
Places: Melanesia, Vanuatu
Keywords: Anthropology, Art, Custom, Ethnographic History, History Of Anthropology, Material Culture, Memory And Transmission, Gardens, Ritual, Wonder

Research Fellow, DILASS at 'Gabriele d'Annunzio' University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Administrative areas: Papua New Guinea, Australia
Places: Queensland, Melanesia
Keywords: Anthropology, Anthropological Field Records, Archives, Colonialism, Inter-racial Relations, Nationalism, New Guinea, Pacific Studies, Post-Colonialism, History Of Anthropology

Eleanor FOSTER
PhD Student, Department of social anthropology at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Administrative areas: Australia
Places: Australia (area)
Keywords: Material Culture, Museums, Colonialism, History Of Anthropology, Indigenous-non-Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Epistemology, Museum Collections

Kim Andreas KESSLER
PhD Student, School of Geography at University of Otago, New Zealand

Administrative areas: Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Places: Fiji Islands, Lau archipelago, Solomon Islands, Malaita, Vanuatu, Tanna, Cook Islands, Southern Cook Islands, Mauke, Rarotonga
Keywords: Development, Resilience, Livelihoods, Aspirations, Aid, Rural-urban Linkages, Spatial Justice, Climate Change Adaptation, History Of Anthropology, Higher Education

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.