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PhD Student, Department of Social Anthropology, Bergen Pacific Studies at University of Bergen, Norway

Administrative areas: Palau, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Australia, Hawaii
Places: Australia (area), Melanesia, Micronesia
Keywords: Climate Change, Climate Policy, Climate Change Migration, Conservation, Cultural Change, Democracy, Diplomacy, Environment, Epistemology, Globalization

Senior Lecturer, School of Economics at University of the South Pacific, Fiji

Administrative areas: Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu
Places: Melanesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Population and Development, Migration, Age and Aging, Employment, Labour Mobility, Urbanization, Poverty, Vulnerability

Karolina KANIA
Assistant Professor, Department of Strategy at Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic

Administrative areas: New Caledonia, Sud (New Caledonia)
Places: Melanesia, New Caledonia, Iles des Pins
Keywords: Tourism, Indigenous Tourism, Indigenous-non-Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Agency, Indigenous Economies, Indigenous Political Movements, Inter-ethnic Relations, Land Management, Land Ownership, Decolonisation

Professor, Institute of Geography at Kiel University, Germany

Administrative areas: Fiji, Kiribati
Places: Micronesia, Polynesia
Keywords: Climate Change, Colonial Discourse, Cutural Change, Eco-anthropology, Environment, Epistemology, Governance, Labour Mobility, Legal Pluralism, Neo-Colonialism

PhD Student, Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l'Environnement, France

Administrative areas: French Polynesia
Places: French Polynesia, Chili
Keywords: Complexity, Ecology, Natural Resources, Social-ecological System, Small-scale Fisheries, Vulnerability, Sustainability, Conservation

Eilin Holtan TORGERSEN
PhD Student, Department of Social Anthropology, Bergen Pacific Studies at University of Bergen, Norway

Administrative areas: Hawaii
Places: Polynesia
Keywords: Cosmology, Cultural Change, Cultural Landscapes, Culture-nature Relations, Dance, Disaster, Ecology, Environmental Anthropology, Epistemology, Ethnicity

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Some figures...

The database of experts counts today 1398 profiles, of which 656 are publicly accessible, while 742 have chosen to remain private.

These persons have defined 835 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.