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Mette   Ramstad

Associate Professor
Department of Religion and Lifeviews, Faculty of Education
Østfold University College (Norway)

Ass. Professor Science of Religion at Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
Dr. Art in Religionsvitenskap from University of Bergen 2001.
Fieldworks in Hawaii, French Polynesia and New Zealand.

Expertice: Hawaiian Schools and Education and policytoday, Indigenous Hawaiian pedagogics and teaching and Learning methods.
Contemporary Hawaiian spirituality, indigenous Hawaiian spiritual and church leaders, Indigenous Christianity and churches, Hawaiian Spirituality,
East Polynesian Latter day Saints (mormons)
Education sciences
Member of
European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)
Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO)
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Hawai'i (US State)
Society Islands
Austral Islands
New Zealand
Historical periods
First and Early contacts
The Colonial time
20th century
21st century
Ancestral Oceania
  • Field Research

    Accounts and Narratives of Hawaiian representatives and leaders from all the various religious, Church and spiritual Groups in contemporary Hawaii on the topic Spirituality and the combination and blending of traditional Hawaiian customs and beliefs With Christian or modern beliefs and practices.
  • Field Research

    Accounts from Hawaiian Teachers, School-leaders, administrative leaders and pupils.
    Observation in schools.
    Hwaiian Schools policies and reasearc and pedagogics for Hawaiian culture.
    The spiritual and Cultural Heritage: How is it promoted and what is promoted. Public Schools that do not have Religion or Christianity promote Culture and spirituality in subjects like social science, Crafts, Music, hula, bothany.
    Private Hawaiian Schools With a Christian fundament can also promote Hawaiian spirituality in the subject Christianity and Religion.
  • Archival/Library Research
    — Kon Tiki Museum Oslo
  • Museographic Research (1985 to 1986)
    — Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie, Oahu
  • (1985 to 1986)
    — Brigham Young University- Hawaii, Laie, Oahu
  • PhD Research (1993 to 2000)
    — University of Bergen and University of Hawaii
    Fieldwork in French Polynesia: Society Islands, Tuamotu and Tubai, North Island New Zealand, and Hawaiian Islands.
    Latter-day Saints contemporary Conversion accounts and ethnohistorical and Church accounts from the past.
  • PhD Research (1993 to 1995)
    — University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu
  • Teaching Experiences (2000 to 2015)

    Comparative Religion, contemporary Religion,
    Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Antisemittism

    Mapping the world religions and faith denominations in South Norway,
    Religious education and pedagogics in the Multicultural classroom, Excursions and fieldtrips as methods
  • Field Research (2012 to 2013)

    Fieldwork: observation and conversations with Chabad in 3 cities in Florida, New York, Honolulu, London, Oslo, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv. And the same together with Carlebach in Jerusalem.
  • Member's corner

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