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Upolu Luma   Vaai

Senior Lecturer
HoD Theology and Ethics Department
Pacific Theological College (Fiji)
[ ]

I speak in the following language(s): Samoan, English

Born and raised in Samoa, Upolu Luma Vaai teaches theology, ethics, and hermeneutics at the Pacific Theological College (PTC), Suva, Fiji. He worked as senior lecturer at the Piula Theological College, Samoa. He is from the Methodist Church in Samoa. He worked as a board director for various boards and member of various committees in the Samoan government. He is also a member of the editorial board for the Pacific Journal of Theology (PJT). He has recently been involved in the Pacific Council of Churches (PCC) programs on social justice, climate change, economic development, solidarity, and self-determination in the Pacific region. He is known for his writings and publications on relational theology and relational hermeneutics as critical tools in challenging the colonial systems that have shaped the Pacific for a long time. He participates and presents in many regional and international conferences, including last year, he presented at the G20 Interfaith Summit at Istanbul, Turkey. He is now the HoD of Theology and Ethics at PTC, Suva, Fiji.
Geographic administrative areas
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Historical periods
20th century
21st century
Ancestral Oceania
Indigenous languages
  • PhD Research (2004 to 2007)
    — Griffith University, Australia
    Faaaloalo, relationality, Triune God, colonialism, Samoan holistic thinking,Missionary theology, Missionary philosophy
  • Academic Position (2008 to 2013)
    — Piula Theological College
    Theology, Ethics, Indigenous studies, hermeneutics, gospel and culture, bible, colonialism
  • Academic Position (2014 to 2016)
    — Pacific Theological College
    Theology and Ethics, Ecumenism, Colonialism, Relational Hermeneutics, Relational theology, Religion and Economic Development, Pacific indigenous way of thinking, Interfaith Dialogue
  • Consulting Work (2014-2016)
    — Pacific Council of Churches
    Ecumenism, Relational Hermeneutics, Theology and Economic Development, Economic and Climate Justice in the Pacific,Christianity and Colonialism
  • Collaborative Project (2015 to 2016)
    — Pacific Theological College
    Pacific Self, Epistemology, indigenous studies, anthropology, relational ontology, colonialism
  • Collaborative Project (2015 to 2016)
    — Pacific Council of Churches and Pacific Theological College
    Relational Hermeneutics, indigenous worldview, Pacific frameworks of understanding and interpretation, economic, justice, development, religion, climate change
  • Member's corner

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