PhD Research (2003 to 2010) — EHESS-CREDO-CNRS-NIVEA This project included a 25 month of fieldwork in Samoa and New Zealand mainly with samoan tattooing experts. Its main goal was to document the social and technical implementation of the ritual its modes of transmission.Museographic Research (2007 to 2014) — musée du quai Branly Since 2007, I've been involved in the creation of several workshop about tattooing and body arts around the world for the general public of the museum. I've worked as scientific curator for the "Paul Jacoulet" and for the "Tattoo" exhibition.Consulting Work (2010 to 2010) — UNESCO (Apia, Samoa) This consulting work aimed 1) at assessing the possibility for the Samoa traditional tattooing to be listed as an element of Intangible Heritage and 2) Surveying the local potentialities (art schools) to develop a program that would help the samoan ex-convicts and deportees to generate incomes in the field of creative industries (tattooing, carving, painting, etc.)Academic Position (2011 to 2012) — Musée du quai BranlyAcademic Position (2012 to 2013) — LabEx "Creation, Arts and Heritage" - IIAC-Lahic, ParisTeaching Experiences (2012 to 2017) — Aix-Marseille-Université - Anthropology of Oceania - Economical Anthropology - Anthropology of Techniques and Material Culture - Anthropology of ArtAcademic Position (2018 to now) — CNRS Working on an ongoing project which aims at exploring mobilities of artefacts, goods and valuables in Micronesia. Since 2019, I am involved in an parallel ethnographic works: 1) Betel nut trade between Yap, Guam and Saipan 2) Assessing contemporary use of Yapese shell and stone "money"