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Kira   Eghbal-Azar

PhD Student
Institut für Ethnologie
University of Cologne (Germany)
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European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)
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Australia (area)
  • Masters Research (2004 to 2006)
    — University of Heidelberg
    What do non-indigenous visitors remember about indigenous art and why? Comparing psychological and anthropological theories about memory on their usability for intercultural memories.
  • PhD Research (2009 to now)
    — University of Cologne
    "Affordances, Appropriation and Experience at Historico-Cultural Museum Exhibitions: Visitors'(Eye) Movement Patterns and the Role of Digital Guides"
  • Academic Position (2009 to 2012)
    — Knowledge Media Research Center Tuebingen
    Interdisciplinary cooperation project between the German Literatur Archive in Marbach and the Ludwig-Uhland Institute for Empirical Study, the Art History Institute of the University Tuebingen and the Knowledge Media Research Center funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Raising scientific and museum staff;
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    Some figures...

    The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.

    These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

    They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.