Museographic Research (2011) Assistant of Fanny Dr Wonu Veys and Tineke Mook — Volkenkunde Museum Leiden 3 months internship. Research and analysis of the New Zealand's photographic collection. Assistant of Tineke Mook in the organisation of the public manifestations linked to the temporary exhibition "Mana Māori".PhD Research (2012 to now) Circulations of Māori prestigious cloaks in New Zealand and in Museums of ethnology in Europe — University of Strasbourg / DynamE Māori, weaving, cloaks, kākahu, exchange, circulations, taonga, New-Zealand, Europe, museums of ethnology, material culture, history, relationships.Teaching Experiences (2012 to now) Chargée d'enseignements / lecturer — University of Strasbourg / Institut d'ethnologie Ethnography, field methods, ethnology of Oceania, social and cultural anthropology, material culture, migration, craftsmanship, Māori society of New Zealand, exchange, ethics and deontology of the research.Museographic Research (2012) Assistant of Dr Ingrid Heermann — Linden Museum Stuttgart 4 months internship. Assisting Dr Ingrid Heermann in the preparation and set up of the temporary exhibition "Māori die ersten Bewohner Neuseelands". Guided tours.Museographic Research (2013) Assistant of Awhina Tamarapa — Te Papa Tongarewa / National Museum of New Zealand Wellington 2 months internship. Assisting Awhina Tamarapa in the preparation of the temporary exhibition "Ngati Toa Rangatiratanga".Field Research (2013) Field work in Wellington, Auckland, Gisborne and Ruatahuna Museographic Research (2015) Research on the Māori weaving collections — Rotorua Museum and Auckland War Museum Research on the Māori weaving collections : tukutuku, kete, puipui and kākahu at the Rotorua Museum for 2 weeks. Assisting Tina Wirihana and experts in weaving on the project of restauration of the tukutuku panels in the meeting house Hotonui.Field Research (2015) Fieldwork in Rotoiti, Rotorua, Auckland, Gisborne, Wellington, Christchurch |