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Sarah   Mohamed-Gaillard

Senior Lecturer
Département Asie du Sud-est, Haute-Asie, Pacifique
INALCO (France)

Member of
Société des Océanistes (SdO)
e-toile Pacifique (e-toile)
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Australia (area)
Historical periods
20th century
The Colonial time
  • PhD Research (2000 to 2005)
    — Université Paris IV-Sorbonne
    From 1946 to the end of the nineties, the presence of France in South Pacific has caused many debates either in its territories, in the region or in the international organizations. Our study of French policy is based on these three scales, which is particularly relevant to compare it with he policy lead by the other countries in the area.
    After the Second World War, France puts an end to the colonial statute of these islands and starts to take part carefully on a regional scene strongly marked by the United States. Because of its new policy toward its territories, France turns out to be a rather progressive nation in the area. However, the setting of the Centre d’Expérimentation du Pacifique and the will of power from the 5th Republic destroyed the effort previously performed. Then, France reinforces its statutory links with its islands, which constitutes also with the nuclear tests a cause of dispute in the area. These two demonstrations of its presence cause many controversies and insulate the France and its territories on the regional scene. Hence, the decision taken by France in its territories also have an impact on its foreign policy in the whole area.
    Due to strained relations, the policy of France is mainly defensive. One must wait until the mid-nineties so that these conflicts are solved and to see France works out an active policy. It is thus after half a century of tries and polemics that France finally begins to legitimate its presence in the South Pacific.
  • Teaching Experiences (2006)
    — INALCO (Institut National des Langues Orientales)
    History of Oceania XVI-XX
    Contemporary history of the French territories
    First contacts and Encounters
    Geography of Oceania
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