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Krishna   Kotra

School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
The University of the South Pacific (Vanuatu)
[ ]

I speak in the following language(s): English, Bislama

Environmental sciences
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21st century
Indigenous languages
Download the CV
  • PhD Research (2006 to 2010)
    Geochemical Assessment of Groundwater along the Coast of Bay of Bengal, India — Andhra University
    Geochemical assessment of groundwater for various physical and chemical parameters.
    Seasonal monitoring for various interpretations.
  • Academic Position (2015 to Now)
    Lecturer / Science Programme Coordinator — The University of the South Pacific, Vanuatu
    Teaching and Administration.
  • Field Research (2017 to Now)
    Physiochemical Assessment of Harvested Rainwater — PIURN
    Assessment of Harvested Rainwater for quality studies in Vanuatu
  • Field Research (2018 to Now)
    Monitoring of Ocean Acidification in Vanuatu — The Ocean Foundation, USA
    Establishing monitoring set ups for pH and Alkalinity along the shores of Vanuatu as part of the ocean acidification monitoring.
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    Some figures...

    The database of experts counts today 1241 profiles, of which 596 are publicly accessible, while 645 have chosen to remain private.

    These persons have defined 750 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

    They have also defined and described 650 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.