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Melica   Ouennoughi

Independent researcher
Phd of Anthropology of the University of Vincennes-Paris VIII
University Vincennes Paris VIII (France)
I speak in the following language(s): English, Algerian Saharan Arabic, Algerian Sign Language, Pahari-Potwari

Member of
e-toile Pacifique (e-toile)
European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Australia (area)
Historical periods
The Colonial time
21st century
Indigenous languages
Senhaja Berber, Pahari, Kullu
  • PhD Research (1998 to 2018)
    — South province of New Caledonia and Laboratory of anthropology Université Vincennes-Paris VIII
    Historic anthropology of the movements forced by the historic leaders Algerian and from the Maghreb during the 19th century (french colonialism). Introduction of a North African intercultural customary system in the Melanesian native space. Study comparative clauses between the old African Melanesian and north customs around the plant spaces (yam, coconut palms ... date palms, olive trees ...)
    Location of the patron saint of the Islam. Study of the oceanian Sufism, cultural and cultural practices of the rite dhikr. Research of pits of dates and dispersal of the Sufism New Caledonia, Australia.
  • PhD Research (1998 to 2004)
    — South Province of New Caledonia
    North Africans deportees - Ancient cimetery of Patron saint of Islam - Old graves - old berbers customs - Introduction of date palm trees - Comparative study of yams autochones Melanesian and date palm introduced - Heritage of an ancient culture of caravanserail.
  • Teaching Experiences (2005 to 2013)
    — University of Vincennes-Paris VIII
    Anthropology Methodology of long courses, methodology historical archives.
    Helping memories for students in Master I and Master II
  • Teaching Experiences (2010 to 2013)
    — University of Vincennes-Paris VIII. Institut Maghreb-Europe
  • Member's corner

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    The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private.

    These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

    They have also defined and described 712 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.