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| Georges Petitjean
AAMU - Museum of contemporary Aboriginal art (Netherlands)
Specialities |
Discipline(s) |
Art History
Geographic administrative areas |
Geographic places |
Australia (area)
Historical periods |
20th century 21st century The Colonial time
Experiences |
PhD Research (1997 to 2001) — La Trobe University This dissertation examines the production of acrylic paintings in the Western Desert of Central Australia, so-called ‘Western Desert Art’. Typically, this contemporary Aboriginal art movement has been presented as a culturally bounded phenomenon, whereas I argue that this painting movement owes its very existence to a more complex set of interactions. Drawing on theoretical approaches developed in several disciplines – principally those of art history, cultural anthropology, sociology and aesthetics – I explore the interaction, on different levels, between this art movement and Western art, including the commercial art market. This interaction manifests itself in several ways in the production of Western Desert paintings. Like any other commercially successful art movement, I argue that Western Desert Art is a product of complex cultural exchanges that take place in the arena of the art market between Australian indigenous artists and those people who also form part of the wider ‘artworld’: art coordinators, dealers, gallery owners, collectors and Western artists. |
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Some figures...The database of experts counts today 1400 profiles, of which 657 are publicly accessible, while 743 have chosen to remain private. These persons have defined 836 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise. They have also defined and described 712 ' experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.
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