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Hermann   Mueckler

Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Vienna (Austria)
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Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr. Hermann Mueckler (in German original: Mückler)

Born in Vienna, Hermann Mueckler studied cultural anthropology, (ethno-)history and political science at the University of Vienna. He is Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology at this university with a focus on historical topics, colonialism, decolonization, and forms of neocolonialism, peace and conflict studies as well as popular culture (historical popular media). He focuses regionally on Oceania, Australia and island Southeast Asia.

Mueckler is president of the Anthropological Society in Vienna and the Federation of all Austrian-Foreign Societies PaN, second chairman of the Society for European Overseas History, founder of the Austrian-South Pacific Society and co-founder of the Institute for Comparative Research in Architecture (IVA-ICRA).

Mueckler has published 30 books as author, co-author and (co)editor; among them an encyclopedia about missionaries in the Pacific Islands, a four volume general introduction into the study of the Pacific Islands, case studies about Rapa Nui, the Marshall Islands, Nauru and Fiji; as well as books on tradition and traditionalism, conflict resolution, globalization, and architecture.

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Member of
New Zealand Studies Association (NZSA)
European Society for Oceanists (ESfO)
Pacific History Association (PHA)
Pacific Arts Association (PAA)
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Historical periods
First and Early contacts
The Colonial time
20th century
21st century
  • Academic Position (1993 to now)
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