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Irvine   Lelemia

PhD Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa (United States)
[ ]

My people are the Pacific. I descend from the Kanaka Oiwi(Aboriginal Hawaiians), my roots. I grew up on the sands of Waianae on the Pacific Island of Oahu. My life passions deals with solving wicked, real-world challenges in water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Water is an essential element for life. My specific research works addresses adaptive water and wastewater techniques for Oceania in the face of climate change. I'm practicing to become a rain farmer. In particular, I am re-learning the processing techniques to collect, treat, and reuse rainwater from contemporary and ancestral expertise. Let's talk water action. Contact me.


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Environmental sciences
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Indigenous languages
Hawaiian, Hawai'i Pidgin, Spanish
  • Field Research (2005)
    — Universidad EARTH, Costa Rica
    Interned at EARTH University to learn models in sustainability for Tropics. Created an educational video on sustainable waste management. Provides information on landfills and recycling options.
  • Field Research (2006)
    — Pacific Disaster Center, Maui
    Investigated and prepared a presentation report of Avian Influenza outbreaks. Used statistical analysis and ArcGIS to develop a model to establish a significant and strong correlation of Avian Influenza outbreaks in domesticated birds with migratory flight patterns on wild birds
  • (2009)
    — University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Investigated and assisted in preparation of a report outlining the climate change impacts on Riverbank Filtration in producing drinking water for Dresden, Germany. The report included a literature review, and recommendations of effects of climate change on floods, drought, physico-chemical analysis from a systems cycle perspective which satisfies sound engineering and market feasibility analysis. Created course lectures in water policy and regulations, water, storm-water, and sanitation. Prepared final design project and homework materials.
  • Field Research (2009)
    — University of Applied SciencesHochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
    Investigated and assisted in preparation of a report outlining the climate change impacts on Riverbank Filtration in producing drinking water for Dresden, Germany. The report included a literature review, and recommendations of effects of climate change on floods, drought, physico-chemical analysis from a systems cycle perspective which satisfies sound engineering and market feasibility analysis. Created course lectures in water policy and regulations, water, storm-water, and sanitation. Prepared final design project and homework materials.
  • Masters Research (2009 to 2011)
    — University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Assisted in validating treatment efficacy of biological treatment by performing in-house water quality assessment. Built a prototype, operated, maintained and performed a comprehensive water quality assessment of unit operations. Information gathered was used validating results for a publication.
  • Consulting Work (2009)
    — KYA Design Group
    As a pro-bono independent intern, created a methodology for a solid and liquid waste assessment to establish performance metrics for tracking progress of the Honolulu International Airport. Implemented waste audit study, which included interview custodial staff, gather information to figure out proper methods to measure and analyzed date used for a report to give recommendations.
  • (2011)
    — National Taiwan University
    Designed and assessed a two-staged bench-scale graywater treatment system. Evaluated the process performance and water quality of system and validated results. Prepared an economic analysis evaluation, including energy consumption evaluation, to measure effectiveness and potential impact for small island communities such as Taiwan and Hawaii.
  • Collaborative Project (2011 to 2015)
    — University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Created community forums for information sharing and open-source technology on focused discussion of relevant themes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Facilitated discussion and talk stories between community members, and experts in field. Maintained a blog {} for community access to scholarships, fellowships, internships, and events. Created summary reports as a resource to summarize events. Implemented the use of live-stream broadcasting of event on YouTube. The FaceBook page is still active
  • (2012 to 2013)
    — Na Pua Noea and Kuaana Native Hawaiian Student Services Programs, University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Lead Science Teacher and co-principal investigator of a pilot project to mentor 20 Native Hawaiian middle and high school students on a hands-on, inquiry based research project on tracking marine-tsunami debris dispersion {}. This was joint initiative sponsored by Na Pua Noeau and Kua`ana Native Hawaiian Students Services. The students learned both Maoli (Native Hawaiian) Science and Western Sciences. Our findings were presented at science conference in April, 2013.
  • PhD Research (2013 to now)
    — University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Assess the feasibility of a public water system that will supply the entire Coconut Island over the present day (2015) and long term, while practicing sustainable engineering using available resources. Design and develop a water catchment system as a main source of potable water. Asses the projected climate change effects on the water catchment system.
  • Consulting Work (2015)
    — Lyons Associates
    Assisted in writing the preliminary draft environmental impact statement. Wrote site visit reports to document culturally significant sites, community field trip on Waianae perspectives of environmental issues, and of the project site. Conducted 1 community informational session to gather community input about the proposed project.
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