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Session Detail (plenary)

Round table: "Renewing pan-Pacific connections" -- Convened by Matteo Gallo, Erna Lilje and Anna Paini

Session presentation

« la recherche de l‘identité, le modèle, pour moi, il est devant soi, jamais en arrière. C‘est une reformulation permanente. (...) Notre identité, elle est devant nous » JM Tjibaou

This round table aims to provide a space in which Young Pacific scholar panelists will be able to reflect on pathways to creating connections between Pasifika peoples, building confidence and resilience.

For a long time cultural resources gathered in the Pacific Islands have sat in European institutions. What pathways have been built to reconnect people with their heritage?
In what ways can the transmission of cultural knowledge be supportedin relation to such things as rights to land, family histories, and responsibilities?
How do young Pasifika people access, gather, and share cultural knowledge in the 21st Century? What examples of repair and healing have been brought about through such reconnections?
What strategies and actions do Pasifika people undertake to assert identity and create a feeling of home while away?
What events and organizations have Pasifika people created to build pan-Pacific communities where they are?


Anna Paini
Università degli Studi di Verona

Matteo Gallo
Université d'Aix-Marseille

Erna Lilje
National Museum of World Cultures


Sarah Pelage
Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Strasbourg, France


Jordy Sio
Université de Tours, France


Mitiana Arbon
Übersee-Museum, Bremen


Billy Wetewea
Centre de Formation Pastoral et Théologique de Béthanie, Nouvelle-Calédonie


Katrina Talei Igglesden
University of East Anglia