Museum Collections
- American Museum of Natural History
226 objects mentioning Cook Islands includong fishhooks, mats, ceremonial adzes, shell fragments, weavings from early and mid 20th century.
- Australian Museum
127 objects mentioning Cook Islands.
- Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
818 objects mentioning Cook Islands including tools, clothing, barkcloth, mats, basketry. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- British Museum
377 items mentioning Cook Islands including 52 prints and photographic prints. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Burke Museum
61 objects from Cook Islands waist bands, heads bands, basketry, etc.. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Horniman Museum & Garden
10 obects from Cook Islands including adzes and fish hooks.
- Museo Nacional de Antropologia (Madrid)
2 records mentioning Cook Islands: 1 decorated wooden bowl , 1 canoe model.
- Museum Volkenkunde Leiden
45 items mentioning Cook Islands including spears, ceremonial adzes, .
- Museum of Anthropology
40 objects mentioning Cook Islands including bowls, paddles, staffs, fish hooks. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
102 objects mentioning Cook Islands, mostly adzes and staffs, 45 photographic and negative printsand 2 archival documents.
- Musée Royal de L'Afrique centrale, Tervuren
5 records mentioning Cook Islands including ceremonial axe and paddles.
- Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève
14 objects from Cook Islands including ceremonial adze and model canoes. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Musée du quai Branly
73 items mentioning Cook Islands.
- National Museum Australia
16 objects mentioning Cook Islands mentioning including 20th century necklaces and woodcarvings. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
136 records mentioing Cook islands including slit drums, basketry, garments, fish hooks.
- Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University
74 items mentioning Cook Islands including wooden figures, necklaces, ornaments and photographic prints. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Penn Museum
242 items mentioning Cook Islands including ceremonial adzes and paddles.
- Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
3 objects from Cook Islands including mats and adze.. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Pitt Rivers Museum
119 items mentioning Cook Islands.
- Smithsonian Institution Washington
114 objects mentioning Cook Islands including ceremonial adzes, shell ornaments, sinnet cord, etc... - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
2 model canoes mentioning Cook Inseln (Cook Islands).
- Te Papa Tongarewa
2048 objects mentioning Cook Islands as a production place including baskets, ceremonial adzes, garments, fans. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Tropenmuseum Amsterdam
24 objects mentioning Cook Islands including paddles, ceremonial adzes, .
- UCL Museum
1 ceremonial paddle from Cook Islands.
- Universitetets Kultuhistoriske Museer, Oslo
58 records mentioning Cook islands includin mostly ceremonial axes and wooden knives. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- University of Queensland Anthropology Museum
21 items mentioning Cook Islands including adzes, hooks, skirts. - Direct access to the Cook Islands collection
- Världskultur Museerna
14 records mentioning Cook Islands inclduing ceremonial adze, clubs, stone implements.
- Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
3 objects from Cook Islands: including stone adze and club.