Museum Collections
- American Museum of Natural History
601 objects mentioning Samoa including various kind of artefact from mats, to cooking ustensils fromthe early 20th century.
- Australian Museum
1356 items mentioning Samoa including 692 ethnological objects.
- Berndt Museum of Anthropology
3 artefacts mentioning Samoa, 1 club, 1 staff and 1 necklace.
- Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
2602 objects mentioning Samoa including, adzes, mats, tattoo implements, combs, barkcloth, basketry. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Bristish Museum
1334 items mentioning Samoa, including objects, drawings, 579 photographic prints, . - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Burke Museum
369 objects from Samoa including fly whisks, kava bowls, nckelaces, tools, ustensils.
- California Academy of Sciences
130 objects from Samoa including mats, kava bowls, basketry from the 20th century.
- Horniman Museum & Garden
5 objects mentioning Samoa including 3 fish hooks. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
20 records mentioning Samoa including 18th century painting, drawings and photographic prints, and ethnographic objects. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Museum Volkenkunde Leiden
404 items mentioning Samoa, including mats, headrest, fans, tools.
- Museum of Anthropology
130 objects mentioning Samoa including combs, fans, clubs, baskets, barkclothes. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
418 objets mentioning Samoa, 399 photographic prints, 9 archival documents.
- Musée Royal de L'Afrique centrale, Tervuren
12 records mentioning Samoa mostly fish hooks and barkcloths.
- Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève
81 obects from Samoa including clubs, barkclothes, fans, tapa beaters. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchatel
48 records mentioning Samoa including fly whisks, fans, head ornaments, barkclothes.
- Musée du quai Branly
264 items mentioning Samoa, including barkcloth, necklaces, headrest, fans, weapons, fishing gear.
- National Museum Australia
8 objects mentioning Samoa mostly weaved fans form the end of the 20th century. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
287 records mentioning Samoa including basketry, cooking stones, kava cups, slit drums, clubs, ornaments, etc...
- Natural History Museum Los Angeles
11 objects from Samoa including mainly feather ornaments.
- Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University
540 items mentioning Samoan including combs, barkclothes, necklaces, clubs, basketry, spears, fishing gear,fine mats, footages and photographic prints from late 1890's. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Penn Museum
561 items mentioning Samoa including fans, clubs, barkclothes, combs, necklaces .
- Pheobe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
135 objects from Western Samoa including mostly mats and barkcloth. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Pitt Rivers Museum
303 items mentioning Samoa including barkcloth, tattooing implement, necklaces, wooden clubs, stone adzes, fans.
- Smithsonian Institution Washington
1449 records mentioning Samoa including kava bowls, whisks, tapa, weapons and ustensils, photographs and drawings.. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
971 items mentioning Samoa photographic prints, war clubs, basketry, paddles, tapa clothes, finemats, fishing gear.
- Te Papa Tongarewa
1536 objects mentioning Samoa including, stone adzes, garments, tools, large collection of decorated barkcloth and war clubs. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- TropenMuseum Amsterdam
30 object from Samoa including mainly fans, tapa and clubs; 19 photogrphic prints from the 1980's..
- UCL Museum
2 objects from Samoa: 1 club, 1 comb.
- Universitetets Kultuhistoriske Museer, Oslo
464 Records mentioning Samoa including basktry, fans, stone axes, kava bowls, cooing ustensils, etc... - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- University of Queensland Anthropology Museum
15 items mentioning Samoa inclduing combs, clubs and 2 photographs. - Direct access to the Samoa collection
- Världskultur Museerna Göteburg
1033 records mentioning Samoa including photographic prints and matériel culture items such as fly wisks, clubs, boxes, combs, tapa clothes.
- Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
1 club from Samoa.