Museum Collections
- American Museum of Natural History
284 items from New Zealand including stone an woodcarving, tiki, canoe prow, paddles, stone axes, cloaks, tattooin tools and mallets. Most of the collection from the end of 19th and early 20th.
- Australian Museum
1343 objects mentioning New Zealand including stone axe, adze, ornaments, tools.
- Berndt Museum of Anthropology
7 artefacts mentioning New Zealand including sculptures, scrolls and cups.
- Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
703 objects mentioning New Zealand incuding containers, staffs, house parts, canoe parts. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- British Museum
3491 items mentioning New Zealand (Maori) including tools, clubs, cloaks, weapons 575, prints and photographic prints. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Burke Museum
66 objects from New Zealand including cloaks, vessels, woodcarving, adze blades, clubs. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- California Academy of Sciences
31 objects from New Zealand including adze blades, fish hooks, basketry and stone tools.
- Fowler Museum at UCLA
45 maori cloaks.
- Horniman Museum & Garden
22 objects from New Zealand including a fern root pounder, poi ball and several fish hooks. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
57 records mentioning New Zealand including green stone fragments, rtual objects and ornaments. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Musem of Anthropology
127 objects mentioning New Zealand including skirts, clubs, adzes, bowls, etc.. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Museum Volkenkunde Leiden
97 items mentoning New Zealand including tools, scultpures, ceremonial clubs and 11 photographic prints.
- Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
858 objects mentioning New Zealand, 622 photographic prints, 12 archival documents.
- Musée Royal de L'Afrique centrale, Tervuren
31 records mentioning New Zealand including mostly fishing gear and neck greenstone ornaments..
- Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève
45 objects from New Zealand including, paddles, fibre skirts, wooden axe, nephrite figures. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Musée du quai Branly
260 items mentioning New Zealand, cloaks, arm bands, statues, tools.
- National Museum Australia
at least 500 items mentioning mostly western artefacts from New Zealand. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
275 records mentioning New Zelaland including paddles, adzes, cloaks, etc...
- Natural History Museum
2 adze blades from New Zealand.
- Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University
507 records mentioning New Zealand, including wooden figures, adze blades, tools, clubs, etc. and photographic prints. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Penn Museum
299 objects from New Zealand including adze blades, hand clubs, staffs, ear pendants, feather boxes. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
27 items from New Zealand including clubs, skirts, and unnamed objects. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Pitt Rivers Museum
1480 items mentioning New Zealand including stone and woodcarving, tools, cloaks.
- Smithsonian Institution Washington
486 records mentioning New Zealand inclduing photographic prints, stone iplements, chief's club.
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
18 items mentioning New Zealand including tikis.
- Te Papa Tongarewa
5632 objects mentioning New Zealand as a production place and Maori as ethnic reference group including various pieces of basketry, woodcarving, contemporary costumes (Maori collection maybe referenced together with Cook islands artefacts). - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Tropenmuseum Amsterdam
34 objects from New Zealand including nephrite figures, cloaks, adzes, carved box, etc..; 8 photographic prints.
- UCL Museum
11 objects from New Zealand including clubs, adzes, cloaks.
- Universitetets Kultuhistoriske Museer, Oslo
123 records mentioning New Zealand including belts, clubs, axes, staffs, wooden figures, nephrite carvings, stone fragments, wooden lid, etc... - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- University of Queensland Anthropology Museum
38 items mentioning New Zealand including adze blades, carvings, staffs. - Direct access to the New Zealand collection
- Världskultur Museerna
79 records mentioning New Zealand including numerous photographic prints, fishing gear, wooden carvings, cloak, clubs, etc..
- Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
1 maori hand club from the early 20th.