Health and Health Research
- Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics)
The Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics is a directorate of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights. Its mission is to provide the Ministry, its institutions, its agencies and other organisations involved in health and social affairs with valid information for policy making and evaluation.
- Direction de la Santé de Polynésie Française (Directorate of Health of French Polynesia)
The Directorate of Health is a directorate of the government of French Polynesia. It is in charge of the coordination, implementation and evaluation of public health activities on the territory. It is also responsible of the technical, administrative and financial management of public health care facilities in French Polynesia.
- Institut de veille sanitaire (French Institute for Public Health Surveillance)
The French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Institut de veille sanitaire, InVS), a governmental institution reporting to the Ministry of Health, is responsible for surveillance and alert in all domains of public health. Created by Law 98--535 dated 1 July 1998, to reinforce health surveillance and the safety of products intended for human use, its mandates were enlarged by the Public Health Policy Act of 2004, in order to meet the new challenges highlighted by recent health and emerging risks. InVS is responsible for: continuous monitoring of the population’s health status; health surveillance; health alerts; and to help manage health crises. - Direct access to country-specific ressource
- Institut Louis Malardé
The Louis Malardé Institute contributes to the preservation of the public health and environmental health of French Polynesia. Its mission revolves around two poles: public health and scientific research. The Louis Malardé Institute participates in the execution of public health services. Among others, it is involved in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases and takes part in the monitoring of hygiene and public health. The Louis Malardé Institute also runs research programs defined in relation to the health policy of the Government of French Polynesia. The Louis Malardé Institute has specifically developed an expertise in research on communicable diseases (dengue fever and filariasis), microalgal blooms (ciguatera), on the bio-ecology of insect vector of diseases and on the identification of natural substances used in traditional Polynesian pharmacopoeia.
- Le Bulletin Médical Calédonien et Polynésien (Medical Bulletin of New Caledonia and French Polynesia)
The Medical Bulletin of New Caledonia and French Polynesia is a journal for clinical practitioners in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and the Pacific Region. Its purpose is to provide a platform for exchange of knowledge among health professionals with the aim of improving health care and prevention.
- Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et des Droits des Femmes, France (Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, France)
- World Bank HealthStats
HealthStats is the World Bank's comprehensive database of health, nutrition and population statistics. It contains regional, country and topic dashboards displaying tables and graphs with the latest data and trends on health, nutrition and population. Among others, HealthStats includes statistics on the health, nutrition and population-related Millennium Development Goals, on health equity and thematic data on population dynamics, nutrition, reproductive health, health financing, health workforce and health facilities use, immunization, malaria and tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
- World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Region
- Direct access to country-specific ressource